Monday, January 26, 2015

World After by Susan Ee

Hi, guys!
I'm back already with another review!
It's one of my favourite trilogy and I wish Susan Ee would write more than just one other book!
But at least, it's not a duology!


Tiitle: World After
Series: Penryn and the End of Days #2
Author: Susan Ee
Release date: November 19th 2013
Publisher: Skyscape
ISBN-13: 978-1444778533
Number of pages: 314

Genre: Dystopian, Fantasy
What's special? We have a badass main character, a lot of blood and a sexy angel – what do we need


So, I can't say much about the content of this book because it's a sequel and it would – obviously - spoil you if I told you more.
That's all you need to know:
Penryn and Raffe are separated. While Raffe is hunting for his wings, Penryn has to look after her sister Paige and her mom and she has to deal with the prejudices coming from the Resistance members.
A mad schizophrenic, a Frankenstein-esque little girl and a revived teenager aren't the people you would normally do small talk with.

But then people try to lock Paige up and as a result – she rans away.
Penryn goes out looking for her again.
Soon she gets to know what the angels have planned for Earth.

My Opinion

Hot damn! This book was amazing!

Just as Angelfall World After is nothing for bad nerves. Be prepared for a lot of blood and gore!
For those of you who have read the book already: The. Party.
I was so shocked! I could only think: 'No, no, no! That cannot happen!'
That's a scene I would close my eyes if it was shown on TV.
But remember the little girls in Angelfall? That wasn't better either.

My first thought after reading the summary of World After was: Oh, please no.
I was so scared that this would be Angefall all over again.
Paige is abducted/runs away and Penryn goes looking for her. She then works with Raffe and finally gets her back.
But thank God, it wasn't like that! Boy, was I relieved.
Even though, the basis of both books is the same, it doesn't feel like rereading Angelfall.
So much is happening, we meet new characters and RAFFE AND PENRYN!

One new character we meet is Clara. Well, if we stick to the details, we've already met her at the end of Angelfall but she got sucked out her interior at that point.
Penryn saved her back then and during World After she joins Penryn and her mom.
“You broke me out of the grasp of a living horror when I thought all hope was gone. You gave me the opportunity to crawl back to life when no one else could."
She glances over at me, her eyes shining in the dark. "You're a hero, Penryn, whether you like it or not.”

Her life has been so cruel recently, I almost teared up at her last scene.

But now, let's talk about our main character: Penryn Young.
I can say with certainty that she is my favourite character of all time.
She has wits, a good attitude, badass fighting skills and her priorities sorted out!
That's what I love most about her. Family goes first, no matter what.
And then when she can't bear to look at Paige, my heart broke. Even though Penryn doesn't want to act like that, she can't help it.
There's this one quote which shattered my feels:

And if there's one thing I know that a kid her age shouldn't be doing, it's having to fight for her life while her big sister is around.

Only when I started reading World After, I realized how much I've missed her humour and her thoughts. And now I have to wait 4 months to read about her again!

Then there's Paige.
Oh my God, Susan, how cruel can you be?
How much more does she have to bear?
I had so big eyes at some of her scenes!
And her mom? Even creepier!
“My dad once told me life would get complicated when I grew up. I’m guessing this isn’t what he meant. My mom, on the other hand, agreed with him, and I’m guessing this kind of thing is exactly what she meant.”

But to be honest, at some points I thought: 'You go, Penryn's mom!'
Except for the scene in the police car. She knows exactly how to hurt Penryn and I don't care if she is schizophrenic but no mom should treat her kid like that.

What I also loved was Penryn's scene under water.
This will be a little spoiler-y here, so watch out.
In other books the main character guesses where the surface of the water is just by luck but Penryn thought of a method to find it out! Amazing!

And then there's Raffe. He, too, will forever be one of my favourite characters. He's sarcastic and kind after all and well, yeah, he's hella sexy.
“Raffe: "The unruliness of the women in your family must go back for generations. You're like a plague upon the land."
Penryn: "So long as we're also a plague upon angels, I'm sure everyone else will forgive us."
Raffe: "Oh, you're definitely a plague upon at least one angel.”

“Don't talk. You'll just spoil my fantasy of rescuing an innocent damsel in distress as soon as you open your mouth.”

Their relationship develops really slow and nothing would have suited better. Just as I said, Penryn has her priorities straight – there's no time for lovey dovey. And these Locusts don't really set the mood.
But to see how much Raffe cares for her, is more satisfying than a hundred kisses!

My last point will be my favourite: Raffe's sword. It's
so sassy!
I literally laughed two pages straight. You'll know which scene it is when you read the book, I promise!
And then, it showed Penryn some events from Raffe's point of view.
That's every fangirl's dream!
Thank you, Susan, for adding these parts!

Overall this book is worth every single one of its five stars!


5 out of 5 stars

See you guys soon!
Stay funky!

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