Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bitterblue (Graceling Realm #3) by Kristin Cashore


Here we go with number two for today!

Title: Bitterblue
Series: Graceling Realm #3
Author: Kristin Cashore
Release date: May 1
st 2012
Publisher: Penguin Group
Number of pages: 576
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
What's special? The first of Kristin Cashore's books where the main character has no supernatural
powers! Bitterblue, who we know from the first book, is now the Queen of Monsea.


In Bitterblue we have to travel in time again. Now the story takes place a few years after the events of Graceling.
To be exact: Eight years have passed since Monsea and Bitterblue were saved from King Leck.
She herself is now Queen and her country has peace. Well, almost. Sort of. Kinda. Not really.
Because the influence of her father still lives on.

Her advisors who had been Leck's advisors, too, believe in an 'only-looking-forward-plan' which consists of a) pardon every crime comitted in the 35 years of King Leck's reign and b) forget everything bad that has happened.
If Bitterblue tries to talk to them about that difficult time, her advisors break down mentally.

Only when she starts visiting her own city – at night and disguised – she notices that her father's reign was even worse than she was told. No education, the eastern part of the Bitterblue City decays.
She suddenly understands that the only way to move forward, is to go back into the past.

In the night she meets two shady boys – Saf and Teddy – who get to know her under the name „Sparks“. They see it as their duty to 'steal what has already been stolen'.
Suddenly one mystery follows the other and almost the only persons she seems to be able to trust are two thieves!


My opinion

I liked Bitterblue a little bit more than Fire but Graceling stays my number one of Kristin Cashore's books.
Bitterblue is more complex than its predecessors. There are many intrigues and mysteries to be uncovered. At first I thought I'll lose the overview but thanks to the list Bitterblue writes pretty early in the book I could remember (almost) everything!

Sadly, I can't say the same about her advisors. Until about 200 pages in the book I always got confused who's who.
Here a short summary:
Bitterblue's foremost advisor.
Darby: he's an alcoholic
Runnemood: Brother of Rood, very calm, annoys Bitterblue sometimes
Rood: he has mental problems
So, let's carry on!

I loved to see how the characters from Graceling have developed through the years. Especially Raffin and Giddon! They were so kind and lovely!
Po is still as hot as usual but I had my problems with Katsa.
Don't get me wrong she is one of my favourite heroines – in Graceling. But not in Bitterblue.
She is too different in my opinion. Too self-centered. She is almost never in Bitterblue City but if she is, she's with Po.
I understand: This book is Bitterblue's story but still.
I really like Bitterblue as a character though.
She has no special powers (not counting being a Queen), so she has to deal with all of her problems the „traditional way“. With all the intrigues around her, she has to rely on herself most of the time.
And it's the first time that the main character sounds like a teenager.
Katsa and Fire both sounded a bit too grown up for my taste.

The writing style in general improved. The town is described beautifully and understandable.
The codes were a bit too much for me, especially at the end.

Furthermore, I noticed an inconsistency. In Bitterblue, Giddon states that he's 27 years old. Let's do some math.
27-8 = 19
So he would have been 19 in Graceling.
In Graceling Katsa told us that Giddon is somewhat older than Raffin who is 21 at the time.
Ergo Giddon was something
over 21 back then and would be around 30 in Bitterblue.
It's not a huge mistake but still I feel pretty proud for noticing it. Haha!
Bitterblue has certainly a darker atmosphere than Graceling and Fire. The reader has to deal with a lot of difficult topics. Suicide, self-harm, abuse, rape.
And for the first time, I think, the series approaches homosexuality.
There's one scene, gosh, it's so cute!

In the beginning there are already a lot of references to Fire which I really enjoyed.
And in the end Fire's appearance was great!
It connected all three books. And we even get some glimpses on a few characters of Fire.
Also, I loved the Dellian alphabet!
Finally we got to hear how Fire and Brigan really sound.
Also, the letters looked really cool!

Bitterblue we get some more maps, e.g. the known world and Bitterblue's palace.
Sadly, I just noticed them when I finished the book – I really would have needed them while reading it! Haha!

Lastly, I really liked the slow revelations. Just like Bitterblue we get to the truth by bits which really kept me in suspense!


4/5 for the idea
4/5 for the execution

4/5 stars

Have a nice weekend, y'all!


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