Saturday, December 13, 2014

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer


Title: Scarlet
Series: The Lunar Chronicles (book #2)
Author: Marissa Meyer
Release date: February 5
th 2013
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
ISBN: 9780312642969
Number of pages: 464
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Dystopia, Young Adult
What's special? Red Riding Hood is a damsel in distress? Not in this book!


I won't say much about the plot of Scarlet because I don't know if you have read Cinder already and I don't want to spoiler you!
So, in this book we have two plot lines.
Firstly, Cinder's escape from prison together with Captain Carswell Thorne.
Secondly, we get to know Scarlet Benoit who is searching for her missing grandmother.
Then she meets the suspicious street fighter Wolf who may have some information about her grandmother's whereabouts.
But Scarlet's and Cinder's past and future is intertwined and they will meet soon...
Meanwhile Queen Levana uses Kai as her puppet and is willing to do anything to become empress.

My opinion

The summary-section is really short but I can't say anything else without telling you spoilers!

I already loved
Cinder but this book, guys. This book! It was even better. I just couldn't put it down.It took me like two days to read it and even afterwards I couldn't stop thinking about it.
As soon as possible I ordered Cress, book three in the series, – and I've already finished that one, too!
Even though I was a bit disappointed at first because I wanted to know more about Cinder and Kai and not about completely different main characters, I loved them all, especially Scarlet and Wolf, right from the beginning.
Before reading Scarlet, I was worried that Scarlet would be too much like Cinder.
Sometimes authors are not that good at writing from different female POVs because they have this one stereotype which they can hardly escape.
But Marissa Meyer did a great job! Scarlet was fierce, stubborn and not scared of anything.
Who's afraid of the big, bad Wolf? Certainly not Scarlet.
She is no damsel in distress but neither is Cinder.
During her jailbreak she meets Thorne – another main protagonist. I really had a love/hate relationship with him. He's funny and together with Iko had the best one-liners.
But I just couldn't connect with him. But – spoiler altert – I love him after reading Cress but more about that in the next review!

Another new male protagonist: Wolf. I love him. He's just so cute and awkward. He has a really interesting backstory and I can't wait to read the short story about him!
Kai gets some chapters, too, thank God. I loved to read about his thoughts about Cinder.

Also we learn more about Cinder's past and her Lunar gift which was so interesting! I really wish we would have learned even more. I'm really curious about Queen Channary and Cinder's father!

The writing of Marissa Meyer has improved, it was easy and entertaining to read – especially when Iko was back! Oh God, how have I missed her!
Meyer is a real genius at hiding the fairytale-elements. I wondered how she would adapt these to the storyline. I was especially curious about the 'wolf-dressing-up-as-grandmother-part'. (And to be honest, I was really scared what Wolf would do.)
It was brilliant. I actually didn't notice the part I anticipated the most – haha!
But that's nothing bad, I just wasn't very attentive, I assume.

All in all: This book is marvelous. I squealed, giggled and gasped all of the time!


5 out of 5 stars
And look how pretty they are!

I don't really imagine Wolf looking like that, though.
In my imagination he has no beard and looks a bit younger, a bit more boy-ish.

The review on Cress will follow in a few minutes!
See you, guys!

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