Saturday, March 28, 2015

Short info-post

Hey there, guys!
How's your weekend going?

I'm sorry that I wasn't very active the last few days but there's just so much else going on and I have hardly time to type up a review.
I won't be posting much the next two weeks either because
1) I have a ton of school work to do, like, literally a ton. I have some exams after the Easter holidays
    which means learning, learning, learning for me. Then the ExposĂ© of my seminar paper is due in a
    few weeks and I have to prepare my presentation about the Alps.

2) From the 3rd on, I'll be visiting one of my very best friends who I haven't seen since August!
    Yay for me!

I hope at least you can relax for the next few days!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Shadow Kiss & Blood Promise by Richelle Mead

Hey there, guys!
As I promised (kinda) here's the new review!
And surprise, surprise: It's a double review! Now, I've finally catched up with all of my reviews.

Title: Shadow Kiss and Blood Promise
Series: Vampire Academy, books #3 
            and #4
Author: Richelle Mead
Release Date: November 18
th 2013
Publisher: Razorbill
Number of Pages: 443
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance
What's special? The third and fourth book in the Vampire Academy series!


I can't tell you much about these book but to give you just a little sneak peak:
After the events from Frostbite, Rose has to deal with her depression which is getting worse and worse. Her whole behaviour starts to become even more aggressive and darker.
Lissa starts to experiment with magic again, and doesn't really act like herself either.
Field Experience starts. That means that every Dhampir is assigned to a Moroi and has to protect them from the guardians playing Strigoi. But against all expectations, Rose is not assigned to Lissa but to Christian. Be prepared for a lot of sassy arguments!
New and old threats erupt and in the end Rose has to choose between the two people she loves most.

My Opinion

I'm finally writing this review! I was so lazy the last days writing-wise and buried in school's work, sorry for not being very active.
I loved Shadow Kiss so much. It was captivating, hilarious and quite sexy at points.
Finally, I fell for Dimirti's charme and he's amazing! Truly amazing.
“I love you, Roza." He kissed me again. "I'll always be here for you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

*satisfied exhale*
Rose and Dimitri had an amazing dynamic, especially because Rose is even more mature in this book. By this course, she'll be an old wise lady in book six!
But no, seriously, they are perfect with each other. As I already said multiple times, I didn't see their chemistry in the beginning and wasn't fond of their relationship. But now, I would definitely count them to my OTPs!
I can't wait to read the last two books to see what will happen next to them!

I just wanted to hug Rose all the way through this book. Her presence is so underrated by Lissa even though something's obviously wrong with her. Lissa is pretty self-centered and maybe I'm overreacting but I can't bring myself to like her.
Over the course of the last three books, I could stand lissa less and less.
I know, half of her moods weren't her fault but the other half
was. I just couldn't accept how she acted around Rose and Christian – and Jillian!
Friendship works both ways! While Rose tries to help Lissa as good as she can, Lissa takes Rose for given.
Moving on to her boyfriend! He's more pleasant to read about even though he's snarky as ever.
But that's his charme, right?

Rose and Christian get a lot of fighting scenes and their dynamic is amazing. Their such a badass team. Richelle Mead managed to write their fights so realistic, I couldn't put the book down!
I love how their relationship develops slowly. No rush, no sudden jump. They still have their arguments and disagreements, but they care for each other – a little more with each book.

I've never thought that I would like Mia as much as I do now! She developed so much in Frostbite and Shadow Kiss – even though the circumstances of her development were sad. The death of her parents made her softer and more vulnerable.
I would love to see more of her in the next books!

And don't even get me started on Adrian.
In Frostbite I was always a bit wary of him. All I could think was: Please, don't let this become a love triangle! Or would it've been a quadrangle? But I came to love him. He's still not very likeable in some ways. At first you think he's just a brainless drunk with good looks but now he's one of the most complex characters of the series. He cares deeply for Rose and started to really become a part of the group.
It's really sweet how he takes care of Jillian when every body else is mocking her. It's not even in a romantic way – he's just being kind.
Under his hard shell is a really soft core.

Rose, Mia, Adrian – I want to hug them all.

But speaking of Jillian: She has to have a bigger purpose! Why should she be introduced and be shown that often, when she has no bigger role?

The third book ends with such a awful cliffhanger, I had to start the next book right away.
So here's the next part of the review!

The beginning was rather slow; not much was happening. It was very interesting to get to meet Dimitri's family and to learn about his background. I loved his grandmother – she was brilliant!
But we get another new character: Sydney. She's an alchemist which means she 'cleans up' after Dhampirs killed Strigoi or humans start to notice the Vampires.
She's an very intersting character, quite difficult to figure out.
Even though she hates Dhampirs, Moroi and Strigoi, she slowly starts to care about Rose.
That's what I like about these books: every relationship develops slowly and with no sudden jumps.
Blood Promise helped me to get out of my reading slump, but guess what: I'm right back in it.

I really missed Christian, Adrian, Mia and Eddie. The setting is (mainly) Russia, which means: Goodbye, Academy. The only time we saw them was through Lissa's eyes.

We got some answers, we got more questions. But the answers were quite satisfying, believe me. 

But it was great to meet other spirit users and to learn more about the power itself and ways to stop the madness!

After reading Blood Promise I'm really interested in starting the Bloodlines series. I want to know more about Sydney and the alchemists. And we all know who her love interest will be so I'm curious how these two will meet and how it'll develop.


When they said that he had an accent that was not russian and that he's probably muslim, I was like: HAH!


5 out of 5 stars for Shadow Kiss
4 out of 5 stars for Blood Promise

See ya, guys!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Quote of the Week #5

Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought. Count up, if you can, the treasure of happiness that you would dispense in a week, in a year, in a lifetime!
- Lawrence G. Lovasik

I'll post a new review tomorrow afternoon (hopefully)!

Stay funky, guys!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Fanart Friday 'Fangirl'

Hi there, guys!
I'm sorry that I haven't posted any pics from the Buchmesse yet, but it's a quite stressfull
time right now - soon, guys, soon!

But let's dive right into the fanart! Sadly, I don't know who drew most of these pictures but if you know, tell me in the comments!

I love this one!

The next three pics were drawn by Simini Blocker!
… And then kissing. (Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell, ch.15)  I like the kissing parts I’m sorry

This one was drawn by AnnaElviira!
So I read Fangirl (by Rainbow Rowell) the other day and loved it :)

fangirl rainbow rowell | Tumblr
This one's so cute!
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

The next one was drawn by givemeapaper!
Keep reading Magicath… Clari Cabral Cath and Levi from Fangirl (by Rainbow Rowell)

These two are my absolute favourites! They were done by paln-k!
Tea Mug and Pen Tablet : Photo
Fanception by me (palnk) on dA. Fanart of a fictional character that is fanfictioning fictional chacters, of a fictional book within a ficti...

Cath drawn by foralllove!

All of our favourite characters by feelingfairyish!
Guess who finally read Fangirl.

Really cute Cath and Levi by beastlyworlds!
Cath and Levi, I’m rooting for you

A really scary looking Reagan again by Simini Blocker!One more… Reagan (Fangirl). Anyways. I’m not allowed to re-read this book anytime soon.

Levi and Cath :) from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell   We should adopt this for when things go wrong!!!
And finally: some sketches by lauramorcap!
Some Fangirl sketches I made at class today  God, I hate my scanner

I hope you all will have a wonderful weekend!
Stay funky!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Hiya, guys! I'm back with another review!
I'll post some pics from the Buchmesse soon!

Title: Fangirl
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Release Date: September 10
th 2013
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Number of Pages: 445
Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult
What's special? A tale about fanfiction and fan life!


Cath is an 18-year old introvert and the author of the probably most famous Simon Snow fanfiction. Simon Snow is not only a story about a young wizard, those books are a life style.
Cath's life style, actually.
Since her mother left Cath and her twin sister Wren when they were eight, the novels were the biggest consolation in their life.
Wren and Cath have a really strong emotional bond, which is the reason why Cath's shock is even bigger when Wren tells her she doesn't want to share college dorm rooms.
Her new roommate is called Reagan and a quite mean person. Also, her boyfriend is always around. His name is Levi and he's always smiling.

This book is not only about love and coming of age but also about family, standing on one's own feet and a wonderful thing called Fandom.

My Opinion

Okay, let's try to put my feelings into words.

This is definitely one of my few comfort books. Whenever I'm sad or upset, I'll read one of these and become kind of reassured. These 'few books' consist out of Fangirl, Carpe Diem and Into The Wild Nerd Yonder.
This book in particular makes me feel safe, and - I don't know, it sounds kind of weird – the words feel like they're wrapping themselves around me to create a comforting blanket.
I've read it multiple times already(around 5-7x) and I plan to read it a few more!
Especially after finding out that the Collectors Edition will be released in May!

This book has no real 'up and down' as we know it from all those adventurous books. It's just a character driven story – with lots of dialogue. But the characteres are written SO GOOD.

I've only read Fangirl and Eleanor&Park by Rainbow Rowell but I plan to read the other two novels as soon as possible! Eleanor&Park wasn't as good as Fangirl in my opinion. No, let's put it that way: It was well written and the characters were really intriguing but wasn't my kind of story. It just didn't do it for me. It was so sad and back when I read the book, I needed a lighthearted story.
But let's move on and talk about the characters.
Our main character is Cath Avery. She has a twin sister named Wren and is obsessed with the worldwide known Simon Snow-novels (about which I'll talk later).
She's an introvert, socially awkward, more follower than leader and loves the internet, the fanculture,
fanfiction. Gay fanfiction. Tbh, it's creepy how much we are alike. (Well, I like to think that I'm a bit friendlier.)
Maybe that's the reason why I love her so much. She showed me that having all those traits is not a bad thing and that I don't have to force myself to be an extrovert. I'm such a crappy extrovert.
So, while Cath is the (more or less) the person I am right now, her twin sister Wren is the person I always wanted to be in lower grades. Well, cut out her drinking problem and her bitchy behaviour but basically, yes. Outgoing, funny, witty, a party-goer, attention-grabbing. Well, you get the meaning.
It's obvious that even though they share their love for Simon Snow, they are differ from each other like day and night.
I love that we get a lot of backstory, so we understand how close Cath and Wren are and how heavy their separation lies on both of them.
And we don't only get to see a lot of Wren, but their dad plays a big part in Fangirl, too. I'm a big fan of stories in which the parents/the family members play a bigger role than usual.

I've already told you in the Summary section that Wren refused to share a room with Cath in college, so now there's the question: Who's Cath's roommate? Lemme tell you:
It's Reagan.
She's a pretty awesome character with a lot of potential. She's no pretender which means she's blunt, bossy, grumpy and does nothing really to hide it. She helps Cath to come out of her shell.
Even though she makes fun of her quite often, she accepts Cath and cares for her (even though she doesn't show it).
And lastly, Levi.
I. Love. Him.
I think he's number 3 on my Top 10 book boyfriends list but now I have my doubts...he's just so damn amazing.
I can't tell you how much I love him.
He's always smiling, always kind, always polite and just such a lovely sunny boy! He tries everything to get Cath out of her shell and even though he makes some questionable decisions, he's – wait there's this song I found a few days ago...DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS!
I wish I could get my very own Levi Stewart.
He cares so, so deeply for Cath spending; thousands of dollars on gas, just to be with her.
And then, without hesitation, he starts to get interested in the world of Simon Snow – just to have something to talk to Cath about.
There's one particular scene, where I fell for him completely. Even though you all can probably guess how this book ends, I'll shout:Spoiler Alert! anyway.

When Cath and Levi are sitting kissing on the couch and Levi lifts Cath onto his lap, she says something like (who am I kidding, I know this book by heart – I know exactely what she says):
But I'm heavy.“
And he simply answers: 'Good.'
He doesn't say 'I don't mind.' or 'Don't worry.' or something in this direction but he says GOOD.
I don't know what you think about this little, little scene but I would have married him without a second thought.

Okay, and number two: Simon Snow!
The Simon Snow books are – obviously – based on the Harry Potter novels. Rainbow Rowell is a huge fan of the series and stated that she wrote some fanfics (among others Drarry) herself.
I love Harry Potter too, like I
love it. It was my first fandom and got me interested in others!
So it's understandable that I adore Rainbow for weaving it into her book.
At the beginning of the book we get a Wikipedia entry of Simon Snow which is pretty cool, but there's even more! Every pre-chapter page has a little extract from the Simon Snow books or one of Cath's fanfictions. It was cool to follow Simon's story and I have to say: I'm shipping Baz/Simon!
To be honest, I didn't like Gemma T. Leslie's (the author of Simon Snow) writing. Her Agatha was a Mary-Sue, Baz was an idiot and it seemed so plain. I don't know if Rainbow had some difficulties in writing with another style or if the writing was supposed to be like that.
But even if she had failed giving GTL an own writing style, she managed to do so with Cath – I loved her writing! She wrote with an easiness that was missing in the original Simon Snow story.

Here's a little picture of Simon and Baz!

Did you know that Rainbow's next novel (to be published in October) will be about Simon?
And it's going to be Simon/Baz!
I can't wait!!


5 out of 5 stars and a very special place not only on my shelf but also in my heart!

Have a lovely night, guys!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Quote of the Week #4

Hi there, guys, I'm back!
I'll tell you about the Buchmesse in my next post, here's the new Quote of the Week for now!

- Marina and the Diamonds

My best friend showed me some of her songs a few days ago and I fell in love.
Marina is an amazing singer and I can't wait to listen to her new album!

What are you're favourite songs? Tell me in the comments!

Mine are: Bubblegum Bitch, Homewrecker, Hermit the Frog, Sex Yeah and Starring Role!

See you!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Hiya, guys!
I won't do a Fanart Friday today (first time telling you this in advance - ha. I'm making some progress at last).
Sorry! But I have to get up very early tomorrow because I'm going to....

It's the second biggest Book Convention in Germany!
I'm so excited!
Hopefully I'll remember to take a lot of photos to show you!

See you guys in a few days!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken

Hi there, guys!
I'm back with a new review!

It's been quite a while, hasn't it?


Title: Never Fade
Series: The Darkest Minds, book #2
Author: Alexandra Bracken
Release Date: October 15
th 2013
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
ISBN: 1423157516
Number of Pages: 512
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian
What's special? We get some more of Liam Stewart!


I can't tell you much without spoilering you but I'll try my best.
Our old team got separated at the end of The Darkest Minds and Ruby's now working for the Children's League. Exactly that organisation Liam ran away from.
She became the Leader of a team, consist of Jude, Vida and Nico. We also get to meet Cole Stewart, Liam's brother!
Then Ruby has to go on a secret mission to retrieve a flashdrive, Liam unknowlingly took with him.
So she goes back to search her old friends.

My Opinion

It helped me to get out of my reading slump. I'm still quite slow but I'm making progress!

Even though the beginning was a bit slow, it became so captivating when Ruby left the League!

Hot damn, it gets intense.

But first things first. One of the most important – maybe the most important – aspects:
the characters.

Alexandra Bracken mangages to write them all really unique with completely different personalities. If you just got a sentence, you would immediately know who's talking.

The characters are not 100% likeable but that's exactely what makes them so real.
Just as I told you in the
Summary section, we get to know some new characters.
Jude. Such a cutie! He's around 14/15 years old and pretty hyperactive. He seems way younger than he actually is.
Then we meet
Vida. She's 17, I think. Really angry, almost aggressive, and extremely loyal to Cate.
I disliked her in the beginning but she's cool now. She's quite a badass.
We also get introduced to the whole League system which is run by Alban. It's extremely multi-layered. Sometimes it was difficult for me to understand whom they help and whom they hate but I (think I) got it now.
In conjunction with introducing the League, we obviously meet some of the members, too.
Most importantly (for me): Cole Stewart, Liam's brother.
It broke my heart, seeing how similar Cole and Liam are. But where Liam's caring and warm-hearted Cole is cynical and quite cold. And scary. I don't have the warmest feelings for him.
But there's another person who fits that description.
Fucking Clancy.
Excuse the language, guys, I normally hardly swear but he makes me lose my calm.
He. Is. Such. An.
I won't say any more because I would end up spoilering you pretty bad.

Just as I said in my review on The Darkest Minds, Alexandra is a goddess when it comes to character development. If you compare Ruby from book 1 and Ruby now – oh god.
It's crazy what she's been through and how much her principles have bent.
She changed so much and especially considering her case, 'character development' does not necessarily mean it's
Ruby uses her power with less guilt and she tends to lose control.
She's now more aggressive than defensive.
She became harder and even more depressed and broken AND I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG SHE WILL ENDURE THIS.
I don't want Alexandra doing a 'Veronica Roth' at the end of In The Afterlight!

We also meet Chubs again. I was so happy seeing a familiar face again, I almost cried.
But when I saw who he became. I gulped. He, too, became harder, harsher in the last six months.
He disguised himself as a Skip Tracer and terribly reckless.
I get that – after the events of The Darkest Minds – he had to change
in some way. But I'm not happy with the way he did.

Just as in book one I had some difficulties readingwise. I don't know why exactly but Alexandra Bracken's writing is confusing for me.
I don't think it's because her
writing itself is confusing, I guess it's because English is not my first language. If I'm reading really carfully or if I'm reading aloud, it's easier. But when it gets action-packed, I can't just slow myself down!
I only know one part where I was confused
because of the writing. The first chapter takes place 6 months after the events of The Darkest Minds, the second chapter right after TDM and the third again after six months. I didn't get that at first, I had to reread these three chapters.
But eventually, I got it.
This paragraph will contain spoilers, so be forewarned!
I love Alexandra's logic considering Liam's memory loss!
At the end of TDM Ruby was focused on erasing all of Liam's memories of her but she forgot
his feelings. I'm not even sure if she's capable of that.
Anyways, Liam was terribly in love with Ruby when they met again but had no evidence
why he was.
And I was just like: God, yes, it all makes sense now.

I loved Ruby's last scene so much! I felt so much adrenaline at that moment.
All I could think was: HA! How do you like that, you asshole?

And my final question: Why the hell are there so many abandoned cars on the interstate?


4.5-5 out of 5 stars

Stay funky!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Quote of the Week #3

Hiya,  guys!

Here's the quote of this week:

“There's nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard.
Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.”

- Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

One of my favourite books!
It's about High School, Coming of Age and the mess we call our mind but it's not the
typical teenage story, it's deeper and darker, too.

Maybe you've heard of the movie? It's pretty good!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Fanart Friday 'Throne of Glass'

Hiya, guys!
Welcome back to another episode of FANART FRIDAY!

Today, I'll show you some pics of Sarah J. Maas' great book: Throne of Glass!

First off, some drawings by Deesney
The little drawing of Celaena in the left bottom corner is just too cute!
Throne of Glass by Deesney
The Crown Prince by Deesney
Escape Endovier by Deesney

All of the characters by ennemme!
From left to right:
Dorian, Chaol, Perrington, Kaltain, Nehemia, 'Lillian', Celaena, Nox, Cain, three champions idk their names, Elena and that dark figure from the shadow world
Throne of Glass Character Line Up by ennemme

Next on the list are these four beautiful drawings by walkingnorth!
Throne of Glass speedpaints by walkingnorth

Too...pretty! Drawn by leabharlann!
Throne of Glass - On the Way to the Competition by leabharlann

And lastly these two drawings by compoundbreadd!
I loved that scene!
My name is Celaena by compoundbreadd
An Assassin in Endovier by compoundbreadd

I'll show you all the other drawings I found when I'm finished with Crown of Midnight - so stay tuned! There are some amazing ones!

I'll post another post tonight, see you there!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March TBR

Hi, guys!
Today, I'm back with my March TBR and I have four books to show you.
Yes, 'only' four books - but that doesn't mean I won't read any other book this month.
The following four are just the ones I want to read most.

First I have: Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken. It's book two in The Darkest Minds series.
I'm already about 200 pages in and it's. So. Good!The cover looks really good! And I guess it shows Jude's compass? I'm really suspicious about that!

Number two is Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas. It, too, is book two in the Throne of Glass series. I've already wrote in my To Read post last Wednesday that I can't wait to start this one but I have to finish Never Fade first.

And lastly, Spirit Bound and Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead, book five and six in the Vampire Academy series. 
This series is good, guys. So. Good.
I can't wait to see how it will be wrapped up.
And I need more Dimitri. And Rose. And Adrian.

Which books have you planned to read this month?
Stay funky!

Monday, March 2, 2015

February Book Haul and Read Pile!

Hi there, guys!
Today I'll show you all the books I've read and bought this month!
It's way less than the last months but I was just completely taken in by all of the shows I'm watching at the moment.
Here's a list:

But now, let's get started with the real stuff.

I've read seven books this month. Still pretty good but only half the books I've read in January!
- Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
  4 out of 5 stars
  Already reviewed this one --> check it out here!

 Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
  3 out of 5 stars
  It was shocking but definitely not one of my favourite books

- Frostbite by Richelle Mead
  5 out of 5 stars
  Already reviewed this one, too! Click here!

I also read Shadow Kiss (5 stars) and Blood Promise (4.5 stars), which are book #3 and #4 in the Vampire Academy series!
I'll do a double review hopefully soon!

Then I've finished Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake
I enjoyed this but it took me ages to finish it.
3.5-4 out of 5 stars
A review will follow soon!

And lastly, I've read Faust - Der Tragödie erster Teil
Well, what are you expecting, it was a book for school.
I gave it two stars on goodreads but they are only for the amount of work Goethe put into these two plays.

Moving on to: the books I've bought:
I 'only' bought five books this month which means 9 less than in January!

- Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
- Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
- Blood Promise by Richelle Mead
- Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
- Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

Stay tuned, guys!