Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Info Post

Hi there, guys!
This is the last post I'll be uploading on this blog!
I'm done with the difficult editing that will never stay the way I want here at Blogspot.
If you're interested in what I'll be reading in the future, check out my new blog over at wordpress

Thank you, guys!


Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Hi there, guys! Sorry, for being quite inactive but I've been transferring the reviews from this blog to my new one over at: Wordpress

http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1336655755l/11408650.jpgTitle: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Series: The Mara Dyer Trilogy #1
Author: Michelle Hodkin
Release Date: September 27th 2011
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
ISBN: 1442421762
Number of Pages: 452
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance


“Thinking something does not make it true. Wanting something does not make it real.”

While I did enjoy the mystery and Mara's madness, I really disliked the whole romance (and in the end the paranormal aspect too). When I was reading the book I actually forgot that its genre was paranormal. And to be honest, I'd have liked the book more if it had been "realistic".

This book revolves around Mara Dyer. A girl who has lost her friends and her boyfriend in a mysterious accident which she can't remember. Traumatized by the events she starts to hallucinate. And soon other people turn up dead...

Anyway, as I've already said: I didn't like the love story. Honestely, I thought it was terrible. Mara and Noah had no romantic tension between them and Noah's sudden obsession with Mara was weakly explained in the end.
Especially in the first half of the book he's the typical cheap YA love interest. He's "too hot for his own good", is smirking and winking constantly and every girl swoons over him. Except for Mara of course. She's different. She's the special snowflake. While literally every other girl in this book is a slut in Mara's eyes, she obviously doesn't care for love at all. At least that's what she's telling herself.
She's oh so uninterested and different from all the other girls and that's the reason why Noah's so obsessed with her. He simply can't allow a girl that's not fainting when he walks past.
And because the author wants to show us that his life hasn't always been easy, she gives Noah a childhood were he wasn't hot. What a poor boy. It's like "he was unattractive but suddenly became hot and didn't know how to deal with all the female attention". Excuse me, while I puke.

He is ridiculously perfect. He has the perfect looks, smile, body, the obligatory British accent, he speaks multiple languages and is able to quote classics ad-lib. Like, how old is he? 17, I guess? Has Michelle Hodking ever met a 17-year-old boy?
You know what I call that? Wish fullfillment.

Noah's actually just an annoying and pretentious asshole, at least in the first half of the book. But suddenly he turns around 180 degree and appears as extremely kind and caring. I didn't know what to make of this sudden change.

This book spreads a really problematic view of women. Anna acts like a "bitch" because Mara talked to her ex-boyfriend once. Give your "villains" a good backstory, guys! Heartbreak isn't sufficient! Please, do not use an unrequired love as your go-to excuse for creating an antagonist.
Mara is marketed as the "good one" because she's our main character and we are supposed to root for her. Meanwhile Anna is the bad one (= "slutty one"). God help us all, in the end the amount of sex one has is all that matters.

There's this one line that goes like (I'm pharaphrasing): "She should probably punch Noah in the name of feminism but then he starts touching her". And her anger is like - poof - gone.
To hell with feminism! A hot boy is touching her face!
Just like Christian Grey, love interests like Noah give girls the wrong impression of a good boyfriend.
They are in no way supposed to be controlling or making fun of you. They imply that that type of boy/man is attractive or sexy - which is.not.true.

Another line that made me furious was somewhere at the beginning: Jessie tells Mara that he has slept with girls only to drop them right after (he even refers to Noah's ex-girlfriends as condoms - they're used one time and then thrown away, like wtf) Anyway, Jessie refers to a girl that got depressed and tried to kill herself after Noah broke up with her. Mara's reply is basically that the girl was obviously overreacting.
So, the girl was the unreasonable one?! She overreacted 'cause it's no big deal if you get dumped by someone you love?
But there's not a word about Noah's part in the whole affair.
Noah pushes the boundaries of being an asshole too often for my comfort.

As much as I disliked the afore-mentioned paranormal aspect of the story, I disliked even more that had to make way for the "romance". If you can even call it a romance. There's no romantic tension (or sexual for that matter). It consists out of cringe-worthy sexual innuendos and douchbaggery from Noah. As soon as the hot dude enters the picture, Mara forgets all her problems, which is not realistic. Like, there are people dying, girl. She doesn't only forget her problem, she forgets the plot too.

Mara's thoughts and interactions with others (if there are any because she's probably the most self-centered person in the world), basically her whole behaviour doesn't feel natural or in any way realistic. Hodkin's writing in general is pretty uneven.

This book is part of the type of YA book with mediocre writing, overly sexy main characters and no deeper meaning. The characters are portrayed flat and shallow and consist out of stereotypes.
There's the "bitchy" popular girl who hates the protagonist for some vain reason.
The mean girl's side kick.
The bad boy love interest.

And then there's Jamie. I love diverse characters. But here's it: Plural. I'd have loved several diverse characters in the story, instead we got it all summarized in one character. There could have been so many interesting and complex characters! Don't get me wrong I'm happy that we have even one (sometimes there is not a single one) but couldn't there have been more?

This book a clear case of cover fraud.
out of 5 stars

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

October Wrap-Up

Hi, there guys!
Today I'll show you which books I've read in the month of October.

I've had a pretty good month reading-wise. Not only regarding the quantity but also the quality!

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I think I've already said it in my October Book Haul but I've anticipated this book so, so much.
and I really wasn't disappointed.
Everything, from characterizations to world building was at its peak.
I can't wait until Empire of Crows will be released next year!
5 out of 5 stars

The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke

It's the book with the "worst" rating.
I gave it 3 out of 5 stars. The character interactions felt off and unnatural but I do see the potential of the author and the story, so maybe book #2 in the duology will be better! I'll definitely give it a try at some point in the future!

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow is and will forever be my go-to author whenever I need to be cheered up or comforted.
She writes lovely and entertaining stories about characters you can relate to. 
Carry On was a wonderful mixture of cry-worthy and laugh-worthy situations.
4 out of 5 stars

Very Good Lives by J.K.Rowling

Truly inspiring.
5 out of 5 stars

Egghead, or You Can't Survive On Ideas Alone by Bo Burnham
Even though I didn't get some of the poems, I really enjoyed most of them!
I've been a fan of Bo's songs and shows for a while and he didn't disappoint!
Here's one of my favourites:

Little Ashley hung magazine spreads on her wall,
after picking the magazines out in the mall.
Models and actresses, singers and more,
with cleavage and makeup and glamour galore!

All her heroes were finally nearer.
Her whole room looked perfect — except for the mirror.

4 out of 5 stars

The Martian by Andy Weir
The Martian and I, we had some difficulties at the beginning but it turned out to be amazing!
I've seen the movie, too, by now and I have to say that the producers did really good work!
4.5 out of 5 stars

Emma by Jane Austen
It may not be my favourite novel by Jane but it definitely was an enjoyable read!
I enjoyed the fact that Jane Austen tried to write a main character who had obvious faults
and didn't fit the role of a perfect heroine!
4 out of 5 stars

The Knife of Never Letting Go & The New World by Patrick Ness
After reading so many good reviews on this book, I just had to give it a try.
And I wasn't disappointed! I cried several times while reading and I really enjoyed Ness' writing style!
5 out of 5 stars & 4 out of 5 stars

What did you read during October? Tell me in the comments!


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #11

Hi there, guys!
Welcome back to another Top Ten Tuesday!

This week's theme is:

Kick-Ass Heroines


10) Isabel Culpeper from the The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater
She may not be as talented with the sword as the other heroines but she has a sharp mind and an even sharper tongue.
Art by luhander

9) Ruby Daly
from the The Darkest Minds trilogy by Alexandra Bracken
She has one of the most frightening abilities I've ever come across!
Art by taratjah

8) Arya Stark from the The Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R.Martin
I can't wait to see where the last two books will take her!
I wish we had at least a release date for Winds of Winter.
Art by Teilku

                   7) Penryn Young from the Penryn and the End of Days trilogy by Susan Ee
Penryn didn't want to be anything "heroic", all she wanted was saving her family. Even if that meant working together with the enemy. I loved the first two books but the last one was a disappointment.
Art again by tarajah

6) Eona from Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman
I loved the first book in this duology! I hope I'll continue it soon.
Eona was a really unique and skillfully written character with a lot of not only physical but also mental strenght.
Art done by Zabchan

5) Rose Hathaway from the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead
I loved the hell out of this character - until book five and six happened. If you have read my reviews, you know my issues with the last two installments of Vampire Academy.
But I still adore Rose for her badass fighting skills in books #1-3.
Art by lallychan

4) Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling
One of my all-time favourite heroines.
Remember the time she punched Malfoy in the face? Aaah, those were the days.
Art by ?

3) Katniss Everdeen from the The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games was one of the very first YA books I've ever read and I felt extremely intimidated by the brutality in it. But at the same time I worshipped adored Katniss for being such a strong character who's dealing with PTSD.
Art by flominowa

2) Aelin Galathynius from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J.Maas
I doubt that there's any list of the most kick-ass YA heroines out there without Aelin included.
Her powers grow from book to book, it's amazing! I always get goosebumps when she's fighting!

1) Lady Katsa of the Middluns from Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Graceling was the very first YA book I've ever read - and I absolutely adored it!
I loved everything about it, the setting, the characters and the way the plot developed!
I think I even cried at the ending?
Anyway, Katsa is graced with the art of killing, which means she is supernaturally skilled in taking lives.

That's it for today, guys! Who's your favourite kick-ass heroine? Tell me in the comments!

Friday, October 30, 2015

October Book Haul

Hi, guys!
I can't believe that October is almost over! Wee! How time's passing!

This month I got quite a lot of books because I went to a second-hand book market (which was awesome btw) and I'm going to visit another one on Saturday, so maybe I'll even add some more books to my TEN already purchased ones!

There they are, in all their beauty. So far I've read five of them!

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I've wanted this book since the first day I'd heard about it back in May and I could hardly contain my excitement when it was finally released. I've already read it and loved it.

Bardugo has really outdone herself with this amazing start to a series! More about it in my Wrap-Up in a few days!

Voyager and Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon
Book three and four in the Outlander series! I really enjoyed reading the first installment back in September and wanted to continue the series. Only the number of pages stopped me from buying Dragonfly in Amber, book two.
But when I was at the second-hand book market I discovered #3 and #4 in perfect condition. For. Only. 50 Cents. A. Piece. That discovery made my whole day.

The Briar King by Greg Keyes
Honestely, I bought this book without knowing anything about it. The blurbs seemed interesting and so did the titles of the following books in the trilogy. I found it, too, at the book market and spontaneously bought it - it cost only 80ct. The reviews on GoodReads aren't the best but I don't want to judge before reading it.

Very Good Lives by J.K.Rowling

This is the very first book I've ever bought of ebay.com and I was so proud of myself for winning a bidding war without much effort. In the end I got the little book for 3,52€ and it's in perfect condition! I've already read it - and love it. More about that in my Wrap-Up.

The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
This book and I, we have quite a long history. I first discovered it back in November last year and and tried to order it from Amazon but it wasn't available. Bookdepository didn't have it either.
About a month passed and I discovered that a German book store had it in stock, so I asked mum if she could get it for me for Christmas. Well, we ordered it but it just never arrived. It took a while until we got our money back and in the end I gave up.
A few weeks ago I randomly found out that it was available on Amazon again! I didn't waste another minute and bought it right away.
More about my thoughts on it in my Wrap-Up.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
I've loved Rainbow Rowell ever since finishing Fangirl. It's one of my favourite stories and I'm planning on catching up on Rainbow's other books as soon as possible - starting with Carry On.
This combines literally everything I'm interested in: Rainbow's writing, LGBTQ-elements and magic.
I've already read and reviewed this one, check out my review here if you're interested!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
(including the novella The New World)

Regan from PeruseProject got me really interested in this novel, so I thought I'd give it a try!
I've already read it - and reviewed it. Check out my review here

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K.Rowling
I found a copy of the British hardcover edition without a single scratch at the second-hand book market, I've mentioned earlier!
It didn't even cost two bucks, so I got it!
Harry Potter is simply my favourite series and I try to get my hands on every (reasonably priced) copy I can.

Sturz der Titanen by Ken Follett
Another book I got from the infamous second-hand market. I don't really know much about it but I've enjoyed Follett's writing style in the past (I've read Pillars of the Earth #1 and #2) and I wanted to get a book, which my mom would like.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #10

Hi, guys!
After such a busy day as today, I'm unbelievably glad to be able to relax and write a post for you!
I had an unusual amount of school work to do (well, what am I expecting? I'm a senior now!) and I had driving lessons in the evening - anyway, I'm finally home and on the internet.

Top Ten: Hyped Books I have not (yet) read
10) Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.Lewis

Even though I've always wanted to start this series, I just never came around to actually do it.
As far as I can remember I've only watched the first movie yet (well and bits and pieces of the second (?) but only because of Ben Barnes. I had kind of an obsession about him during 8th/9th grade)
The edition with this stunning cover sadly is way to expensive to buy for me, so I'll have to wait until Christmas or my birthday comes around.

9) A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

https://bookywook-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/post/image/545ced985703135f63066101/SOFE-books.jpgI think I have read a few chapters of the first book during 7th grade. A class mate of mine did present it to our class back then and we all had to read some of the "most important" chapters and the fitting scenes of the movie. Hell was I scared of Uncle Olaf. That's probably the reason why I haven't picked the series up yet. But I'm planning on doing it soon.

8) The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima
This is a series I've been dying to read for a while now. One of my favourite BookTubers mentions it constantly in her videos and got me really, really interested in the story! I'm planning on buying the first book soon (or maybe I'll ask my mum if I could get it as a present for Christmas). Anyway: soon, Demon King, I'll get my hands on you soon.

7) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien

Oh, I'm feeling really bad seeing these covers.
I thought "The Fellowship of the Ring" was an okay book and I did not actually plan to continue with this series but then I read "The Hobbit" back in May and fell in love with Middle Earth.

I did love the movies too, all of them as a matter of fact but I'm just afraid I won't like these two books as much as I did like the Hobbit.

6) Uprooted by Naomi Novik

"Uprooted" is one of those books that I've wanted since the day they came out. I've just never come around to pick them up. They keep wainting patiently on their shelves in book stores but no Franzi is coming in and is picking them up.

I plan on changing that as soon as I can, tho!

5) Red Rising Trilogy by Pierce Brown

Actually, my goal was to read the trilogy before Morning Star comes out. But I doubt that I'll manage to do that. Well, all I can do is try!

4) Vicious by Victoria Schwab

This book has been lurking around in the darkest corners of my TBR since I can remember. It was one of the very first books I've been introduced to on BookTube and I promised myself that Vicious would be the first V.Schwab book that I'd read. I'm still as excited for it as I was on the first day but at the moment I have way to many other books I have to read/buy.

3) Shadow and Bone Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo


I doubt that I would have added this trilogy if I hadn't read "Six of Crows" a few days ago. SoC made me fall in love with Bardugo's world and character building and on top of all: her writing style. She makes creating the perfect atmosphere seem almost easy!
I really want to learn more about the Grisha universe!

2) The Infernal Devices Trilogy by Cassandra Clare


After reading "City of Bones" I was quite disappointed in Clare's writing style but many people wrote in their reviews that it did improve a lot in the Infernal Devices series, so I'm ready to give it a try!
I could probably give you some other sophisticated reasons why I want to read this book, but actually, I just want to meet the (supposedly) swoonworthy Will Herondale.

1) Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz

http://smithsonianapa.org/bookdragon/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2014/04/Aristotle-and-Dante-Discover-the-Secrets-of-the-Universe.jpgThere's not a single book published at the moment that I want to read more than Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets of the Universe (well, there are some pretty close ones but well).
I've seen some pretty amazing fan art so far and I'm just so, so pumped, I can't even describe it really well.

All my brain is saying right now is: ARRRGH. PRETTY ART. ME LIKEY.


P.S. Sorry, about the format. Blogspot seems to have quite a bad day.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall Time Cozy Book Tag!

Hi there, guys!
I've been creeping around BookTube for a while and completely fell in love with the concept.
That's why I started Book Blogging (all hope is lost for me when it comes to cutting and editing a video). My favourite videos to watch are probably Tag Videos and I just came across this perfectly fitting one:


– Crunching Leaves: The world is full of color –

Choose a book that has reds/oranges/yellows on the cover

For this I picked one of my most recent reads: Andy Weir's The Martian!
I really enjoyed reading this adventure and came to love Mark Watney's unique humour! I can't believe I couldn't stand him at the beginning!
I've also seen the movi
e - right on the day it came out and it was great too!
You can check out my review here!

– Cozy Sweater: It’s finally cold enough to don warm cozy clothing 

What book gives you the warm fuzzies?

For this I ended up picking my absolute favourite novel by Rainbow Rowell: Fangirl!
I read it whenever I'm feeling kind of sad or in a black mood.
Diving into the story, experiencing Levi's kindness and Regan's stubborness and identifying with Cath always lifts my spirits!
It may not be the most important work in literature but it's definitely an important book for me!
I have not yet written a review for Fangirl, but I'm planning to do so as soon as I read it again!

– Fall Storm: The wind is howling & the rain is pounding –
Choose your favorite book OR genre that you like to read on a stormy day


My favourite genre to read when it's stormy outside is definitely Fantasy. Well, I could read Fantasy in Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter but I feel especially in the mood for it when the world outside is cold and grey. That makes the beauty of a completely different world and magical elements even more stunning! Graceling, Harry Potter and Six of Crows are just a few of my favourites!

– Cool Crisp Air
What’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?


Damn, that's a though question. I thought a while about picking either Katsa (from Graceling) or Fire (from Fire) but I ended up with one of my favourite female protagonists at the moment: Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater!

I love her character oh so much! And she has a wonderful and supporting family (I adore Calla and Maura) and I'd even accept living with Orla. I think all the female power in 300 Fox Way would really help me mature and accept myself better!
Well, and then there are the boys, of course! Even though they fight a lot, they stick together through thick and thin and just overall seem like the best friends you could have.

 – Hot Apple Cider
What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?

That's probably the meanest question you could ask me. I tend to go with the flow and only buy books who I now my favourite reviewer genuinely enjoyed (because I'm stingy like that).
I picked The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller in the end. My best friend got it for her birthday and forced advised me to read it too. So after a few months I gave in to her pressure guidance and I fell in love with Patroclus and Achilles love story right away! It's so heartwrenching and touching - I cried my eyes out while reading the last chapters.
I would call it a perfect book to read in fall!
Check out my review here!

 – Coat, Scarves, and Mittens: The weather has turned cold & it’s time to cover up –
What’s the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?


I don't really own a book with a saucy cover or a half-naked dude on it. Hmm...maybe Transcendence by Shay Savage? I don't know, it's not even that ugly, just not the prettiest book out there either.
Maybe I'll come back to this question in the next few days if I remember a better suited book.

 – Pumpkin SpiceWhat’s your favorite Fall time comforts food/foods?

My taste in food doesn't really change during fall. I always love chocolate and tea. But the food I really get excited for are speculoos(?), Lebkuchen and Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I only have them once or twice a year 'cause there's no Starbucks in a 40-miles-radius.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Six of Crows - Fancast

Hi there, guys!
I just finished writing the Six of Crows review and I got so excited for it again that I spontaneously decided to try my very first Fancast! Maybe I'll make those more often in the future!

Jesper Fahey - Nathan Stewart-Jarrett

http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/24100000/Nathan-Stewart-Jarrett-with-Misfits-T-Shirt-misfits-e4-24147854-377-500.png Bildergebnis für nathan stewart-jarrett

Kaz Brekker
- Dmitry Brylev
https://i.mdel.net/i/db/2014/3/244904/244904-800w.jpg http://bite-zine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/CaoimheHahnBiteZine2.jpg

Wylan Van Eck - ???

I found this one on Pinterest and thought of Wylan right away!

Inej Ghafa - Naomi Scott

Nina Zenik - ???


Matthias Helvik - why is nobody adding their names???
I found these on Pinterest!

He doesn't look right, but come on, I can't find long blonde hair....: emil andersson photos 003 Introducing Emil Andersson by Carlos Montilla:

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Hi there, guys!


23437156Title: Six of Crows
Series: Six of Crows, #1
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Release Date: September 29th 2015
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company
ISBN: 1627792120
Number of Pages: 465
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult


“I'm a business man," he'd told her. "No more, no less."
"You're a thief, Kaz."
"Isn't that what I just said?”

Oh, wow. I don't even know where to start.
This book was spectacular, twisted, hilarious at points, you name it.
It had this special something I came to love after reading the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
I'm a huge fan of an eclectic cast of characters. And just as Stiefvater Leigh Bardugo managed to give everyone his or her very own narrative voice and atmosphere.

Speaking of atmosphere: It's been a long, long time since I've read a book with such a dark and twisted feeling to it! It felt even more so because I'd read the fluffy and relatively light-hearted Carry On (by Rainbow Rowell) before. Gosh, what a contrast.
Jesper helped to lighten the mood but it never felt like he was just being comic relief. He mattered as much to the story as the others did.

All of the characters were beautifully written by Bardugo, especially when they did not have much inner beauty to themselves. I may or may not have shared a tear over Kaz's ruthlessness.
Having an anti-hero as the main character of a book is something I just recently came to enjoy - and I can't get enough, so if you know any good books revolving around an anti-hero, tell me in the comments!
The female characters were amazing, too. They kick ass constantly and can still be feminine. They are just themselves, they keep thinking rational in the worst situations and their main concern is survival, not romance.

Here's the summary from the back of the book, I think it sums up the story pretty well:

Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can't pull it off alone...

A convict with a thirst for revenge.
A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager.
A runaway with a privileged past.
A spy known as the Wraith.
A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums.
A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes.

Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don't kill each other first.

Reading Six of Crows got me really, really pumped for the Grisha Trilogy, the series Bardugo wrote before Six of Crows. Probably it would have been wiser to read those before SoC because they're taking place in the same world and Bardugo explains rather little in her new release. For example, I'd have really liked learning more about the Grisha. They all seem to have extraordinary powers but I can hardly remember most of them or their exact name.

I really enjoyed that there was romance and love and heartbreak in this book but that it was never the main problem of the characters. Hell, they had so much other thing to worry about. Like, constantly wanting to rip each others heads off. Their various banters were quite hilarious.

If I had to name one book I wanted to be made into a movie, I'd go with Six of Crows. I really hope that will happen at some point in the near future.

Favourite Quotes:   

“It's not natural for women to fight."
"It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand.”

“Jesper knocking his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. "Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost."
Brekker's lips quirked. "I'll just hire Matthias' ghost to kick your ghost's ass."
"My ghost won't associate with your ghost," Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.”

 "No mourners. No funerals."

out of 5 stars

Friday, October 23, 2015

Fan Art Friday!

Hi, guys!
Ready for another round of Fan Art Friday?

Here we go!

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J.Maas
The next few were drawn by tarajah!

Manon                                                                                              Dorian
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/11850059_1476397396019769_535141716_n.jpg Dorian Havilliard by taratjah

Rowan and Aelin                                                                    um...yes???
Rowaelin by taratjah


Nesryn                                                                          Chaol
Nesryn Faliq by taratjah

Aelin and Manon
Sadly, I don't know who drew this!

Lysandra, Elide and Nesryn
Again, I don't know who's the artist

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Both were drawn by toerning!
Just a couple of gays hugging it out.  Simon and Baz of Simon Snow / Fangirl.  …Still not sure how to categorize fanart of a fictional fandom but whatever.  http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5504b49be4b0953c7cb8e0d4/t/552461ece4b0bc349d6ca748/1428447725644/?format=500w

Drawn by bevsi!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
I loved that scene! Drawn by chaoswalks!
Todd Hewitt by chaoswalks

Todd & Manchee! Drawn by stkidd

Viola and Todd! So cute! Drawn by meabhdeloughry
Todd And Viola by meabhdeloughry

I just found this amazing drawing!
It was drawn by meabhdeloughry, too, who's the artist of that really cute Viola and Todd drawing I added above.
It shows Bitterblue, Katsa and Fire! I love these girls.

Okay, I found another one. Look, how beautiful it is!
From left to right:
Gansey and Blue (The Raven Cycle), Malia and Stiles (Teen Wolf), Katsa and Po (Graceling)
Katara and Aang (ATLA), Liam and Ruby (The Darkest Minds), Vida and Chubs (The Darkest Minds)
Percy and Annabeth (Percy Jackson series)
, Isabelle and Simon (The Mortal Instruments), Celaena and Sam (Throne of Glass)

I highlighted my ships!
Mah Ships by meabhdeloughry