Friday, October 30, 2015

October Book Haul

Hi, guys!
I can't believe that October is almost over! Wee! How time's passing!

This month I got quite a lot of books because I went to a second-hand book market (which was awesome btw) and I'm going to visit another one on Saturday, so maybe I'll even add some more books to my TEN already purchased ones!

There they are, in all their beauty. So far I've read five of them!

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I've wanted this book since the first day I'd heard about it back in May and I could hardly contain my excitement when it was finally released. I've already read it and loved it.

Bardugo has really outdone herself with this amazing start to a series! More about it in my Wrap-Up in a few days!

Voyager and Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon
Book three and four in the Outlander series! I really enjoyed reading the first installment back in September and wanted to continue the series. Only the number of pages stopped me from buying Dragonfly in Amber, book two.
But when I was at the second-hand book market I discovered #3 and #4 in perfect condition. For. Only. 50 Cents. A. Piece. That discovery made my whole day.

The Briar King by Greg Keyes
Honestely, I bought this book without knowing anything about it. The blurbs seemed interesting and so did the titles of the following books in the trilogy. I found it, too, at the book market and spontaneously bought it - it cost only 80ct. The reviews on GoodReads aren't the best but I don't want to judge before reading it.

Very Good Lives by J.K.Rowling

This is the very first book I've ever bought of and I was so proud of myself for winning a bidding war without much effort. In the end I got the little book for 3,52€ and it's in perfect condition! I've already read it - and love it. More about that in my Wrap-Up.

The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
This book and I, we have quite a long history. I first discovered it back in November last year and and tried to order it from Amazon but it wasn't available. Bookdepository didn't have it either.
About a month passed and I discovered that a German book store had it in stock, so I asked mum if she could get it for me for Christmas. Well, we ordered it but it just never arrived. It took a while until we got our money back and in the end I gave up.
A few weeks ago I randomly found out that it was available on Amazon again! I didn't waste another minute and bought it right away.
More about my thoughts on it in my Wrap-Up.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
I've loved Rainbow Rowell ever since finishing Fangirl. It's one of my favourite stories and I'm planning on catching up on Rainbow's other books as soon as possible - starting with Carry On.
This combines literally everything I'm interested in: Rainbow's writing, LGBTQ-elements and magic.
I've already read and reviewed this one, check out my review here if you're interested!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness
(including the novella The New World)

Regan from PeruseProject got me really interested in this novel, so I thought I'd give it a try!
I've already read it - and reviewed it. Check out my review here

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K.Rowling
I found a copy of the British hardcover edition without a single scratch at the second-hand book market, I've mentioned earlier!
It didn't even cost two bucks, so I got it!
Harry Potter is simply my favourite series and I try to get my hands on every (reasonably priced) copy I can.

Sturz der Titanen by Ken Follett
Another book I got from the infamous second-hand market. I don't really know much about it but I've enjoyed Follett's writing style in the past (I've read Pillars of the Earth #1 and #2) and I wanted to get a book, which my mom would like.

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