Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #10

Hi, guys!
After such a busy day as today, I'm unbelievably glad to be able to relax and write a post for you!
I had an unusual amount of school work to do (well, what am I expecting? I'm a senior now!) and I had driving lessons in the evening - anyway, I'm finally home and on the internet.

Top Ten: Hyped Books I have not (yet) read
10) Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.Lewis

Even though I've always wanted to start this series, I just never came around to actually do it.
As far as I can remember I've only watched the first movie yet (well and bits and pieces of the second (?) but only because of Ben Barnes. I had kind of an obsession about him during 8th/9th grade)
The edition with this stunning cover sadly is way to expensive to buy for me, so I'll have to wait until Christmas or my birthday comes around.

9) A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

https://bookywook-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/post/image/545ced985703135f63066101/SOFE-books.jpgI think I have read a few chapters of the first book during 7th grade. A class mate of mine did present it to our class back then and we all had to read some of the "most important" chapters and the fitting scenes of the movie. Hell was I scared of Uncle Olaf. That's probably the reason why I haven't picked the series up yet. But I'm planning on doing it soon.

8) The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima
This is a series I've been dying to read for a while now. One of my favourite BookTubers mentions it constantly in her videos and got me really, really interested in the story! I'm planning on buying the first book soon (or maybe I'll ask my mum if I could get it as a present for Christmas). Anyway: soon, Demon King, I'll get my hands on you soon.

7) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and The Return of the King by J.R.R.Tolkien

Oh, I'm feeling really bad seeing these covers.
I thought "The Fellowship of the Ring" was an okay book and I did not actually plan to continue with this series but then I read "The Hobbit" back in May and fell in love with Middle Earth.

I did love the movies too, all of them as a matter of fact but I'm just afraid I won't like these two books as much as I did like the Hobbit.

6) Uprooted by Naomi Novik

"Uprooted" is one of those books that I've wanted since the day they came out. I've just never come around to pick them up. They keep wainting patiently on their shelves in book stores but no Franzi is coming in and is picking them up.

I plan on changing that as soon as I can, tho!

5) Red Rising Trilogy by Pierce Brown

Actually, my goal was to read the trilogy before Morning Star comes out. But I doubt that I'll manage to do that. Well, all I can do is try!

4) Vicious by Victoria Schwab

This book has been lurking around in the darkest corners of my TBR since I can remember. It was one of the very first books I've been introduced to on BookTube and I promised myself that Vicious would be the first V.Schwab book that I'd read. I'm still as excited for it as I was on the first day but at the moment I have way to many other books I have to read/buy.

3) Shadow and Bone Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo


I doubt that I would have added this trilogy if I hadn't read "Six of Crows" a few days ago. SoC made me fall in love with Bardugo's world and character building and on top of all: her writing style. She makes creating the perfect atmosphere seem almost easy!
I really want to learn more about the Grisha universe!

2) The Infernal Devices Trilogy by Cassandra Clare


After reading "City of Bones" I was quite disappointed in Clare's writing style but many people wrote in their reviews that it did improve a lot in the Infernal Devices series, so I'm ready to give it a try!
I could probably give you some other sophisticated reasons why I want to read this book, but actually, I just want to meet the (supposedly) swoonworthy Will Herondale.

1) Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz

http://smithsonianapa.org/bookdragon/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2014/04/Aristotle-and-Dante-Discover-the-Secrets-of-the-Universe.jpgThere's not a single book published at the moment that I want to read more than Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets of the Universe (well, there are some pretty close ones but well).
I've seen some pretty amazing fan art so far and I'm just so, so pumped, I can't even describe it really well.

All my brain is saying right now is: ARRRGH. PRETTY ART. ME LIKEY.


P.S. Sorry, about the format. Blogspot seems to have quite a bad day.

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