Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall Time Cozy Book Tag!

Hi there, guys!
I've been creeping around BookTube for a while and completely fell in love with the concept.
That's why I started Book Blogging (all hope is lost for me when it comes to cutting and editing a video). My favourite videos to watch are probably Tag Videos and I just came across this perfectly fitting one:


– Crunching Leaves: The world is full of color –

Choose a book that has reds/oranges/yellows on the cover

For this I picked one of my most recent reads: Andy Weir's The Martian!
I really enjoyed reading this adventure and came to love Mark Watney's unique humour! I can't believe I couldn't stand him at the beginning!
I've also seen the movi
e - right on the day it came out and it was great too!
You can check out my review here!

– Cozy Sweater: It’s finally cold enough to don warm cozy clothing 

What book gives you the warm fuzzies?

For this I ended up picking my absolute favourite novel by Rainbow Rowell: Fangirl!
I read it whenever I'm feeling kind of sad or in a black mood.
Diving into the story, experiencing Levi's kindness and Regan's stubborness and identifying with Cath always lifts my spirits!
It may not be the most important work in literature but it's definitely an important book for me!
I have not yet written a review for Fangirl, but I'm planning to do so as soon as I read it again!

– Fall Storm: The wind is howling & the rain is pounding –
Choose your favorite book OR genre that you like to read on a stormy day's_Stone_Book_Cover.jpg,204,203,200_.jpg

My favourite genre to read when it's stormy outside is definitely Fantasy. Well, I could read Fantasy in Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter but I feel especially in the mood for it when the world outside is cold and grey. That makes the beauty of a completely different world and magical elements even more stunning! Graceling, Harry Potter and Six of Crows are just a few of my favourites!

– Cool Crisp Air
What’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?

Damn, that's a though question. I thought a while about picking either Katsa (from Graceling) or Fire (from Fire) but I ended up with one of my favourite female protagonists at the moment: Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater!

I love her character oh so much! And she has a wonderful and supporting family (I adore Calla and Maura) and I'd even accept living with Orla. I think all the female power in 300 Fox Way would really help me mature and accept myself better!
Well, and then there are the boys, of course! Even though they fight a lot, they stick together through thick and thin and just overall seem like the best friends you could have.

 – Hot Apple Cider
What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?

That's probably the meanest question you could ask me. I tend to go with the flow and only buy books who I now my favourite reviewer genuinely enjoyed (because I'm stingy like that).
I picked The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller in the end. My best friend got it for her birthday and forced advised me to read it too. So after a few months I gave in to her pressure guidance and I fell in love with Patroclus and Achilles love story right away! It's so heartwrenching and touching - I cried my eyes out while reading the last chapters.
I would call it a perfect book to read in fall!
Check out my review here!

 – Coat, Scarves, and Mittens: The weather has turned cold & it’s time to cover up –
What’s the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?


I don't really own a book with a saucy cover or a half-naked dude on it. Hmm...maybe Transcendence by Shay Savage? I don't know, it's not even that ugly, just not the prettiest book out there either.
Maybe I'll come back to this question in the next few days if I remember a better suited book.

 – Pumpkin SpiceWhat’s your favorite Fall time comforts food/foods?

My taste in food doesn't really change during fall. I always love chocolate and tea. But the food I really get excited for are speculoos(?), Lebkuchen and Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I only have them once or twice a year 'cause there's no Starbucks in a 40-miles-radius.

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