Monday, May 18, 2015

The Disney Book Tag!

Hi, guys!
Today I'm doing my very first book tag!
I wasn't tagged in any of the recent tags but

I thought a lot about which tag I'm going to do, and I finally decided for the: Book Tag
This Tag was created by Katytastic to celebrate the release of The Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz.

The book focuses on the villans of all Disney movies who where banished to the so-called Isle Of The Lost together with their children. Now, twenty years later, the daughter of Maleficent, Mal, is send on some kind of journey to find a dragon's eye to escape the island and yeah, that's actually all I know about it.
Oh, I almost forgot! The Isle of the Lost serves as a prequel to the upcoming Disney Movie in which the kids of the villans go to the same (boarding?) school as the heroes' children!

Now, without further ado, let's get started!

Number 1: Little Mermaid A character that felt out of place or like a fish out of water.

For this one I chose
Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien
He's your average homely, food-loving hobbit.
Then suddleny the wizard Gandalf and the party around the dwarf Thorin Oakenshield appear and Bilbo is more or less talked into being their burglar to retake the Lonely Mountain from the dragon Smaug.
So you get why he's the fish out of water here.

Number 2: Cinderella

A character that goes through a major transformation.

Here I decided to pick
Meghan Chase from the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa.
It's been a while since I've read those books but I always admired Meghan for her character development.
She starts as a normal girl who has to struggle with bullying at school.
Suddenly her brother Ethan is captured and taken to Nevernever, the land of the Faeries.
Together with her best friend Robbie, who's actually Puck, a Faery, she goes on a quest to bring her brother back but one thing leads to another and she needs to rescue the Faery realms. I won't tell you what her transformation is exactly about, if you want to know, I recommend you to read the books. (Even though, I'm not a fan of love triangles at all, I enjoyed this series!)

Number 3: Snow White
A book with an eclectic cast of characters.

For this question I chose a quite obvious answer.
I'll go for:
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R.Martin
This book series has dozens of POVs and even more characters. I just looked it up. In total we had 32 POV characters in the whole series + the short stories.
All of them, are so complex and realistic, it's amazing
All in all, I adore this series.

Number 4: Sleeping Beauty

A book that put you to sleep.

After some thinking, I ended up choosing
Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead.
This book is the fifth in the Vampire Academy series.
As stated in my reviews on the first four books, I love this series quite a bit.
But Spirit Bound just didn't do it for me. Everything was solved so easily and Rose was just annoying.
Every other character we would hate for what she's doing, but because she's our beloved Rose, it's suddenly okay?
And then her rushed opinion change about Victor? Like, no, girl.

Number 5: The Lion King
A character that had something dramatic happen in their childhood.

Well, that's a particularly difficult question. Expecially in the YA genre.
I actually had a hard time choosing someone because there are
so many.
But I ended up with
Ruby Daly from the Darkest Minds series by Alexandra Bracken!
About six or years prior to the events in book one, the disease IAAN broke out, which caused many children's death. Those who survived, had special powers, like mind control, telekinesis or pyrokinesis.
Because the government had no clue how to deal with those kids, they were send of to Rehabilitation Camps (official name) or Concentration Camps (the truth). Ruby was send there when she was ten years old and I just want to tuck her into some blankets and pat her head!

Number 6: Beauty and the Beast
beast of a book that you were intimidated by but then found to be beautiful at the end.

Okay, number 6 on our list is the Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling!
Lemme explain myself.
When I started reading about our Chosen One, I was hardly ten years old and despite loving books, I've always read thin and easy-to-read ones.
Books with a simple world and either good or bad characters. So I was quite intimidated by a series consisting of seven books and several movies.
But, guys, it's Harry Potter, so how can you not love it?

Number 7: Aladdin
character that gets their wish granted, for better or for worse.

This time I chose someone not quite as obvious:

Mrs. Bennet
from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
Her one and only wish is to marry their daughters off to some respectable and rich noble man. Which she does. Kind of.
Jane and Lizzie marry some really rich, really respectable and really noble man.
Kitty marries a respectable clergyman, Mary a clerk.
Just Lydia's choice isn't so fortunate (but don't tell Mrs. Bennet)
In the end, her wish is fulfilled (mostly).

Number 8: Mulan
A character who pretends to be something or someone that they're not.

Also a rather common theme in the YA genre but I decided to go for someone entirely different.
My choice is
Light Yagami from the Death Note series by Tsugumi Oba and Takeshi Obata.
One day Light stumbles across a note book and if you write a name in it, the person dies (hence, the title: Death Note).
With Light's father being a police officer, he has really strict morals and uses his new power to kill
criminals. But well, things kinda get out of hand, to put it lightly (ha.)

Number 9: Toy Story
A book that you wish the characters would come to life.

For this one I picked not a book but a whole series:

The Raven Cycle
by Maggie Stiefvater.
I adore Maggie's characters and they are so realistic and so
human, it's really astonishing!
The story's really hard to summarize but I'll give it a go.
Blue Sargent is the only one in a house full of psychics that has no particular powers.
But one thing about her is special. If she kisses her true love, they will die.
Then one night, when she's supposed to watch the soon-to-die cross the Corpse Road together with her aunt Neeve, Blue sees her very first spirit: A boy named Gansey. Which means that either she's his true love or she's the reason he'll die (And by her luck she's probably both).
Only a few days later, she meets him and his friends, Adam, Noah and Ronan, in real life. And she's confirmed in her rule: Stay away from Aglionby boys.
But slowly she's drawn into his world.
Gansey's life consists out of one quest. Finding the Welsh king Glendower's grave.
Well, it sounds crazy but it's just so, so good.

Number 10: Disney Descendants

Your favourite villan or moraly ambiguous character.
On to number 10!
Here, I have to pick my only recently discovered favourite.

Manon Blackbeak
from The Heir of Fire by Sarah J.Maas.
She grew up in such an evil and twisted society, that it's no surprise, she turned out
equally evil and twisted. But I enjoyed reading from her perspective so much and I loved following her slowly developing some kind of moral standarts but not entirely. Like, she's still really cruel and drinks human blood for fun but then again she's so fierce and though.
I hope she will join Celaena's clique.

Now, who am I going to tag?
The answer is:
Everyone! If you're interested in doing this tag, just go for it!

So, see you!

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