Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater


Hey, guys! Guess, who's back?
I finally found some time to write a review, you better enjoy it.


Title: The Dream Thieves
Series: The Raven Cycle, #2
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Release Date: September 17
th 2013
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Number of Pages: 439
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Young Adult


Because The Dream Thieves is a sequel and I – obviously – don't want to spoil you, I can't tell you a lot about the ongoing in here, but I can at least try.
The second book in The Raven Cycle focuses mostly on Ronan Lynch and his secrets, of which one was revealed in book #1.
Adam has to deal with the consequences of his actions in book one – oh god, it's really not easy to discribe this book without spoilering you about The Raven Boys.
Well, in a nutshell, all of them have to deal with a whole bunch of old and new problems. Be excited.


Okay, it's been a while since I've read The Dream Thieves but I just finished Blue Lily, Lily Blue (book #3 in the series) and desperately wanted to write a review of it – which means: I have to write a review of the second book first.
I really liked that, again, we get the POV of the main antagonist of this book, The Gray Man or simly Mr. Gray. Really sneaky, Maggie. In the first book it's Mr. Whelk, who I absolutely hated.
But I just couldn't hate Mr. Gray, even though there were a lot of reasons why I should.

Okay, I've already started talking about characters, so I'll just keep going.
As I said in the summary part of this review, the focus of this book lies on Ronan. He's such an interesting and deep character, I'm actually out of words. Right from the beginning you knew, Ronan wasn't somebody you wanted to a longer time with. It's hard to be around because he's constantly angry and if he's not, he's looking for something to be angry at. But then opposite all his 'I don't give a single fuck'-attitude, he's really religious and speaks Latin fluently. Like, I've learned Latin for six years now and I hardly can translate a sentence without my dictionary. He can even make dirty jokes in Latin! And I love his devotion to his friends and his family (and Chainsaw, who's like the coolest pet ever.) He has kind of a soft spot in his heart but he really tries to be a, quote: shithead.

Then there's Adam. In the first book he seemed like an obstacle for Blue and Gansey's love but he became so much more because of his decisions at the end of The Raven Boys, his new developed character traits (which are definitely not good) by what slowly separates himself from the group. He has duties he can't fully grasp or understand and it's kinda creepy.
He himself became kinda creepy, too.
I mean, sure I was worried out of my mind about him but he scared the shit out of me. He obviously had the worst fate of the whole group but that couldn't excuse his actions around Blue and the others.
I can't believe that some people wrote 'Blue should have just kissed him' in their reviews. She doesn't want to, if it's because of her curse or she maybe
just doesn't want to kiss him, I don't care. He has no right to throw tantrums because he doesn't get what he wants.
I love Blue for being such a strong feminist. It's almost embarrassing that I haven't read a book with such a strong feministic main character. Even though she knows she's hurting Adam by refusing to kiss him, she keeps up her principles and doesn't do something she didn't want to do in the first place.
“Right, sure. Because there's no girls in politics! I have no interest. Voting? What? I forgot my apron. I think I ought to be in the kitchen right now, actually. My rolling pin-”
She's such an unique and independent character, I adore her for her personality!
In this book Gansey starts to work on his weaknesses which just adds some plus points to him being total boyfriend material. He's a cute one.
His and Blue's banter was so hilarious!
Blue tries her best to not fall in love with him but it's just like this 'blue elephant'-thing. The harder you try not to do something, the more likely you are to do it in the end.
I love them together and they'll probably break my heart. We already know what will happend but I think I speak for all of us when I say:

Apart from Mr. Gray we get some new characters to discuss!
There's Orla, Blue's super confident cousin(?) who's constantly trying to get any of the boy's attention. Like she said, she's flexible.
Then there's Kavinsky who's – just like Ronan – is a really deep character. I wish we got more information about him! But well, we have to work with what we get, don't we?
I, by the way, love the names Maggie gives her characters! You'd have to lie if you said that saying 'Richard Campell Gansey III' doesn't redden your cheeks! Or Jospeh Kavinsky, Ronan Lynch or Blue Sargent.
Anyway, Kavinsky's another Aglionby boy who loves car races – especially against Ronan. They have a really weird relationship which I can't really put into words. They constantly threaten and insult each other but make each other gifts, I don't even know.
I didn't really like him, even though he kinda helped Ronan in two ways and explaining that'll be spoiler-y so watch out, guys, I've warned you.

I) Kavinsky helped him understanding the whole Dream-thing better (even though Kavinsky was a pretty big asshole about the thing. Like, the drugs and stealing and stuff.)
II) That actually should probably be part of the 'Blue Lily, Lily Blue'-review but I'm the boss here. So I'll just tell you now. I think Kavinsky helped Ronan accepting his sexuality, maybe I've been just really blind in The Raven Boys but I've never noticed that Ronan was homosexual. But after the Kavinsky story arc, he really showed how much he cared about a special person whose name I won't tell you here because SPOILERS.

Maggie's writing is as always amazing. I really adore her unique style. She's probably the goddess of hilarious situations, snarky comments and beautiful descriptions hiding between us mortals.

In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them.
Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness.
Her raven boys.”

It could kill you," Maura said.
Then there was the awkward moment that arrives when two thirds of the people in the room know that the other third is supposed to die in fewer than nine months, and the person who is meant to die is not one of the ones in the know.”
“Ronan," Noah said, "I have a super bad feeling."
"It's called being dead," Ronan replied.”

If I hadn't already read Blue Lily, Lily Blue, I would've probably said something, like: 'Can't wait to get my hands on the next book!'. Well, damn.
Due to the fact that I indeed did read the third book, all I can say now is:


5 out of 5 stars

[Update May 13th 2015]
Oh, and by the way, I've found a brilliant website where you can read summaries of books. Like, if you (like me) read The Raven Boys a while ago and don't remember the whole plot, you can just go there and read it.
Especially the Raven Cycle recaps are hilarious (and were written by Maggie herself!)!
The Raven Boys
The Dream Thieves
Check it out, guys!

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