Monday, September 21, 2015

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J.Maas

Hi, guys!
I finished Queen of Shadows a few days ago and here are my thoughts on it!
It will contain spoilers, tho, so read with caution!
This got oh, so long.
Title: Queen of Shadows
Series: Throne of Glass #4
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Release Date: September 1st 2015
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
ISBN: 1619636042
Number of Pages: 648
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance


"She looked at them, at the three males who meant everything—more than everything. Then she smiled with every last shred of courage, of desperation, of hope for the glimmer of that glorious future. “Let’s go rattle the stars."

I really wanted to love this book, hell, this book should have been epic looking at its predecessors, but it just didn't do it for me. Well, I enjoyed it in a way of "entertaining read" but it didn't blow my mind as Heir of Fire did.

Speaking of Heir of Fire: All the character development the characters, i.e. Chaol and Aelin underwent in HoF, was just gone. GONE. They both acted like sulky brats around each other, instulting the other whenever humanly possible.
Chaol especially acted like a ass for no apparent reasons, even though he obviously came to terms in book three.
He is almost unrecognizable, actually. I understand that there were some misunderstandings and differences in opinions between him and Aelin, but Maas really got over the top with the picture she drew of him. She ruined Chaol and Aelin's dynamics, which really wasn't necessary.

But it isn't alone his fault of the "Out-of-character dilemma" as I like to call it.
Everybody was so damn aggressive.
Mainly Rowan and Aedion. At first Aedion speaks of Rowan like he's a god and would have probably even liked his shoes, but as soon as "Prince Rowan" actually arrives Aedion acts like a proprietoral dick around him and Aelin. They have staring contests and fights about who serves Aelin better like 80% of the time.
I have to admit, tho: I loved that they called each other "brother" in the end (it made me go awww).

But it weren't only Aedion and Rowan. Just take Aelin. She threatens everybody with death and is the personificated aggression for quite a amount of time.
All through Heir of Fire she learns to control her emotions, and not be controlled by them, and then that? Where did all the character development go????

I'm not sure what to think about Aelin's latest love interest.
One one side, I can work with the new pairing. Their relationship is based on mutual respect and affection, they endured a lot together and never let each other down, they can talk about everything and well...they have a lot of sexual tension. No downside to be seen.

But the thing is: This sexual tension wasn't there all during HoF.
Rowan and Aelin slept in the same bed, saw each other naked, well, there were no boundaries between them, but it all happend on a platonic basis in HoF.
Suddenly, Queen of Shadows comes along and they can't think straight because they want to rip each others clothes off. Like, what?
It seems quite forced to me. Probably I would have been more aboard with this ship, if it had been developed nicer and slower, so that the reader could actually see a change.
Also: I was pretty tired of hearing how perfect Rowan or, especially, Aelin is.

And as I already said: it was a platonic relationship they had before. And it was just wonderful and I cherished them so hard for that.
I never, never ever read about an friendship between a man/boy and a woman/girl which was based on so much trust and concern for each other without being turned into a sexual/romantic relationship.
It's such a rare thing in YA literature, and a part (a big one) wished for it to be continued.
I have no problem with the whole "friendship turns into romance" (I'm a fan of it, actually), I just wanted one friendship for Aelin to NOT involve romance.

Like, there are three male main protagonists (I'm not counting Aedion, because he's Aelin's cousin) and Aelin had/has a romantic relationship with all three of them.
Maas does not allow Aelin to have a PLATONIC relationship with any of them.

Then, sometimes, reading QoS felt like reading fanfiction. Some scenes felt terribly out of character, like Aelin wearing dessous to bed to embarrass Rowan.
It was to amuse the reader, nothing more. It served no purpose and I'm a big advocate of PURPOSE BEHIND EVERYTHING.

One last thing that bothered me:
Aelin planned everything beforehand, without the reader knowing about it (or it being only hinted but one wouldn't think much about it).
Well, and because she thought about every damn possibility ever and planned everything perfectly out, everything works in the end just like she had it planned.
It's a great stylistic device when it's used once, or maybe twice, in a novel, but in Queen of Shadows it was used constantly. Maas used it as a deus ex machina to get her characters out of any desperate situation.

Okay, after this very wordy rant (it got longer than I wanted it to be), I have to list things I liked:

I fell in love with most of the books female characters. Maas is really good at writing strong, empowered female characters.
Namely Lysandra, Asterin and Kaltain (well, more towards the end but I admit I had tears in my eyes).
About both Lysandra and Asterin we learn more about their background and secrets, which I really enjoyed. Especially because I loved the witches since their first appearance and Asterin was one of my favourites besides Manon (who kicks ass as always).
Elide and Nesryn felt too much like cardbox cut-outs to me to really care for them.
Especially Nesryn. She had neither a personality nor a real purpose, apart from serving as Chaol's new love interest. They had no build-up, no tension, it was only so Chaol made way for Aelin x Rowan.

The ending was pretty fast paced and kept me awake reading until waaaay after an acceptable time.
I was surprised when the book didn't end with a cliffhanger, it had quite a nice ending actually.

Ships I'm not a 100% on board:
- Rowan/Aelin: I know they'll probably convince me in the end, but at the moment, I just can't completely love them for reason listed somwhere above.
- Chaol/Nesryn: Way too forced! Also: No tension!! I as a reader need to feel the love! I have to fall in love with their relationship!

Ships I'm a 100% on board with:
- Dorian/Manon: Don't tell me I'm the only one who ships them. They would be a powerful and really interesting couple! Dorian is such a kind person! And Manon is...well, Manon.
- Aedion/Lysandra: I love their interactions! I hope their relationship gets deepened in the following books

To sum the whole rant up in a few words: I enjoyed the book, but it wasn't my favourite. There were a lot of things that could have been handled better, but it would be a lie to say there weren't any things I loved.

Favourite Quotes:

"She was a whirling cloud of death, a queen of shadows, and these men were already carrion.”"

“Behind them, across the hall, the dancers shattered their roses on the floor, and Aedion grinned at his queen as the entire world went to hell.”

3.5 out of 5 stars

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