Monday, June 15, 2015

End of Days by Susan Ee

Hi there, guys!
What's up?
I'm back with another review but read on with caution! It's the last book in the trilogy and this review will contain big spoilers!

Title: End of Days
Series: Penryn and the End of Days, 
             book number 3
Author: Susan Ee
Release Date: May 12th 2015
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 1444778552
Number of Pages: 435
Genre: Dystopian, Paranormal, Young


My lips are sealed. Duh.


All in all, I would say this was an okay book. I definitely had higher expectations but I woulnd't consider it badly written. It was supposed to be a roller coaster ride of emotions. I hoped that this book would be an epic, earth shattering conclusion and that it would drown me in feels. What I got was ,like, a puddle of lukewarm feels. Not even up to your ankles.

I wanted to feel the feelings I've felt reading Angelfall. The first book captured you in its story you were with the characters, engrossed in their problems.
End of Days made me feel like a bystander who couldn't care less.
I've never felt particulary concerned about the main characters.

So, let's talk about them. If you're a really enthusiastic Penryn x Raffe shipper, you'll get your money's worth. But.
Firstly, I see why people think that this one scene roughly 10% in the story is hot but basically, she molested him. As you can imagine I wasn't fond of that.
And while I was happy that they could be together in the end, the ending felt forced to me. Everything was pushed into place and how is the idiom? if it doesn't fit, she uses a bigger hammer.
Isn't it convenient that the Nephilim-problem was just made up? Oh yeah, angels believed in Nephilim for thousands of years but actually, that's total bullshit. And Raffe seems to have known for the whole time. 

After the dark and gory themes in Angelfall and World After I hoped that the final ending would be dark too (even if that would have included the death of a main character) but what we got was the complete opposite. Everything was "perfect", Raffe chose to give up his most beloved belongings. It was cheesy to say the least. And no big tragic death occured which I had felt sure would happen. (I'm not counting Obi because I didn't give a fuck about him in any of the books.)

Even though I wasn't as fond of the main characters in this installment as in the last ones, I did enjoy Paige.
The Mom on the other side, who was definitely one of my favourite characters in the earlier books,  lost the creepiness she portrayed in book one and two.
Actually, the whole setting lost its creepiness.
That's what I've missed.
Anyways, back to Paige. I felt so sorry for her.
Even though Penryn has always told us how much she loves Paige, after discovering what a 'monster' her little sister became, Penryn isn't so sure about the loving part. At least, she has a hard time accepting who Paige is now. But that doesn't mean Penryn should neglect her sister.
The fact that Paige's situation is somewhat placed aside in favour of the romance didn't help.

Do you remember the scene in which Doc tells Penryn that her sister is in pain? The little girl was cut and stitched like a rag doll, and Penryn never took the time to give her anything for the pain.
While Paige would do anything for her sister (like starving herself to death), Penryn couldn't even acknowledge her sister's pain.

Then there were the scenes in the Pit with those big, fiery dudes. Those seemed to ridiculous to come from Susan Ee's imagination
. It didn't fit the entire setting of the series. A leash with heads? Seriously? It may have added some gore but picturing it was so absurd.
And why did they all have the same hair and eye colour? And why is it even possible that they can jump through Beliel into the damn pit?
So, so many unanswered questions.
While reading End of Days I hoped for some more information on the Pit and its original civilisation, but oh, well.
Many things that were important to dwell on were just rushed over or poked at.

It's a satisfying read but not more.
I still love Angelfall and World After. Those were dark, gritty, fast paced and emotions were running high. I'll try my best to not let End of Days ruin the great experience the first two books had been.


3 out of 5 stars

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