Friday, June 19, 2015

Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

Hi there, guys!
I'm back with another review!

BASICS Last Sacrifice
Series: The Vampire Diaries, sixth and final book
Author: Richelle Mead
Release Date: December 7th 2010
Publisher: Razorbill
ISBN: 1595143068
Number of Pages: 594
Genre: Paranormal, Young Adult, Romance


This book isn't even worth to spoil you.


What a disappointment - again.

This book consists out of six hundred pages of soap-opera worthy melodrama.
Many scenes were just there for drama and gasp-effects.
For example, Rose's exaggerated speeches.
a) the one in front of the whole court
Real smooth, Rose, real smooth. Not even considering talking to your friends before you confront the court
b) the one with Adrian
Really, Rose? Was that really necessary?

We're supposed to love Rose for her kindness and consideration for others but actually she's just a self-absorbed asshole. She always just thinks about what's best for her.
They come first? Horse shit.
Tell that to Jill (who you didn't even ask) and Christian (who you didn't even consult with).
She didn't even think about them at that point! Or if she did, she didn't mind ruining her life as long as she could maintain her usual level of boldness and 'badassery'.
I don't she her having any king of character growth which I've read so much about in various reviews. 

Actually, she reaches her lowest low.
And here are some of her thoughts after cheating on Adrian (that's no real spoiler because it was bound to happen sooner or later):

It wasn’t cheating, I decided, thinking of Adrian. It was just enjoying this closeness.

I couldn’t break up with him in a dream. That was almost as bad as a text breakup. Besides, I had a feeling that...well, I’d probably need his help. So much for honor. Soon, I swore. Soon I’ll tell him
She admits not wanting to break up with Adrian because he could be useful?Fuck, Rose, do you think just because you're supposedly a 'warrior goddess' or whatever, you have the right to run around and destroy lives? Speaking of warrior goddess, if I'll ever hear 'warrior god' again, scream. And go berserk.

Rose's complete vocabulary was unfittingly juvenile and reading from her perspective about Dimitri felt like being in a love-crazy teenager's head. Which Rose is, actually.

This book would have been reduced to one sixth of its length if Rose had just told Abe about the letter from Tatiana but, no, she has to do it her way.
And she gave away important information multiple times troughout the book which was too stupid even for Rose because she was talking to a fucking criminal.
Oh, and Rose's grief was like the most ridiculous thing I've ever read about! How long did it last? A total of 10 pages maybe?

There was also a break in canon. Rose was able to communicate with Tatiana's spirit while she was in jail at court. Weren't the court's borders warded with spells which kept the spirits out?
Many characters were simply shoved aside. There was apparently no time for a proper appearance of Eddie or Christian (let alone Mia or Dimitri's family).
Instead we got a whole bunch of unimportant 'Keepers' - what use were they even for?
Except for showing us that Rose is desired by every male on the planet and give Rose some time to brag about other people's life.

I'm just happy this series is over now.
It's very unlikely that I'll start the Bloodlines series. Most reviews I've read stated that it's the same constellation of characters (Sydney - Rose      Jill - Lissa       Eddie - Christian       Adrian - Dimitri) except that Sydney isn't as 'funny' as Rose is.
It's no great loss.


1 out of 5 stars

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