Friday, June 12, 2015

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Hi, guys!
Title: Heir of Fire
Series: Throne of Glass Series, #3
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Release Date: September 2
nd 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children
Number of Pages: 562
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult

Due being book three in a series, I can't tell you much about Heir of Fire, except for this: Celaena's off to Wendlyn to assassinate the royal family on the king's orders. Dorian and Chaol being all passive (agressive) with each other. Lots of new characters are introduced - yay!

Honestly, I can just repeat everything I've said in my Crown of Midnight review, except that I could dive into the story right away.

Lemme tell you, this book was amazing.
It's definitely my favourite in the series so far.
Sarah J. Maas writing improved so much over the course of the three books!
It sucked me completely into the world of Celaena, Dorian and all our beloved ones. 

So, if you didn't like Maas' writing style in Throne of Glass, I recommend you to read on because it keeps getting better and better! I can't wait to get my hands on Queen of Shadows (Not even three months from now)!
In Heir of Fire we get to see Wendlyn for the very first time! It's really cool, even though I'm still slightly confused about the history of Wendlyn and the Fae.

We get a lot of characters to talk about, so let's just give every one his or her own section.
In Heir of Fire we get to see Celaena at her lowest lows.
She's fallen into a state of deep depression.
She feels terribly guilty and everything she had locked up for all those years crashes down on her.
It was my problem with Celaena in Throne of Glass that she seemed quite shallow or "raw" but you can't say that about her in the third book!
Her character becomes more complex and makes a huge step regarding character development!
If you compare Very-First-Chapter-Celaena and Last-Chapter-Celaena - it's like there are worlds between them.
And Maas managed to let this development, Celaena's realisations, come so slowly but still fast enough to not be boring.

He's my favourite male protagonist from the series at the moment.
I just love Celaena's and his relationship.
They are closer (not in a romantic/sexual way) than Dorian and Celaena or even Chaol and Celaena.
They've gone through everything together and seen each other at moments of deep depression.
They developed from a state of mutual dislike and ridicule to a relationship so deep, I had tears in my eyes while reading the last chapters.
Rowan, I love you.
I'll support those two as friends, as a couple, hell, I'll support the shit out of them as long as they're together!
He helped her accept her and see the big picture (even though he was an ass at muliple times but we all love him anyway) and I don't think anybody else (we've met) deserves her.
She can't be a hundred percent honest to Chaol and he cant accept who she is and Dorian, well, I would spoil you, so I just shut up.
Just lemme tell you: Rowan's ma man.

The beautiful and deadly Manon Blackbeak. What a BAMF. S.J. Maas has the best characters, I can’t get enough of them!!! :,DI've already mentioned her in my first Tag-post! I chose her as my favourite morally ambiguous character!
She's such a badass, I loved every chapter of her. She's actually a character you are not supposed to like but you just can't help yourself.
She's a cruel, rutheless, blood-drinking girl who was raised by an even crueler society.
But she can definitely kick ass. And we love her for that.
Thanks to her chapters we get to know the culture of the Irontheet Witches and the king's plans with them.
I'm so excited to see what Manon will do in the next installment!

At first, I wasn't sure what to think of him.
He seemed like the king's lap dog and a big ass traitor but when I saw his true, hidden self, the devotion to his queen, my heart shattered into tiny little pieces.
Please, let him meet his Queen again!

I've heard that some people don't like Sorscha and honestly, I can't understand why. I love her.
She's a healer at the castle - actually she's the healer who has always helped Celaena and her friends after some dangerous confrontations but wasn't ever really looked at. But now she get's her own POV!
She's extremely shy, absolutely gentle and utterly in love with Prince Dorian.
Ever since she came to the Glass Castle she had a crush on him but was convinced that it was one-sided love. Well, she was convinced of that until Heir of Fire came along *wink*

Please, don't kill me when I say this but I really did not like Chaol in this installment.
I've started to have some issues with him in Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire only proved that I was right .
I really see that he had good intentions but what he did was still pretty douchy of him. There's no other word, I'm sorry. You just don't treat your best friend like shit, Chaol.
And don't get me started on his problem with Celaena's honesty.
I see where this suspicion is coming from but that changes nothing about the fact that I just wanted so slap him and scream: 'Get it together, mate!' in his face.
He was quite frustrating in Heir of Fire.

And last but not least:
The Prince of Glass by cosmic-frequencies
Mother of god, look at this drawing!
It's gorgeous!

Dorian is my baby and nobody is allowed to touch him without my permission. Especially not Sarah J. Maas.
I just want to tuck him into some really really soft blankets and hug him until he's happy again.
Really, reading about him wakes my motherly instincts!
I loved reading about him, how he discovers his magic and how he falls in love again - oh, those two are too sweet.

After reading the third installment in the Throne of Glass series, I cannot not recommend it to you!
The first book may be a bit though to get through, in my opinion, but this series just gets better and better!
To sum up this review:

out of 5 stars!

Stay funky!


Celaena and Sorscha: walkingnorth
Rowan: ttauriel
Manon: Heilow
Aedion: omupied
Chaol: compoundbreadd
Dorian: cosmic-frequencies

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