Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor

Hi there, guys!
What's up?
I'm not reading that much right now because I discovered a new TV Show. Have you guys ever heard of Misfits? It's 100% politically incorrect but strangely addicting at the same time.
Anyways, back to the books.


Title: Days of Blood and Starlight
Series: Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #2
Author: Laini Taylor
Release Date: November 6th 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
ISBN: 0316133973
Number of Pages: 512
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy

"Life is our master, or death is.", Brimstone had said, but in theses days of blood, there was no luxury of choice. Death ruled them all. 

While I didn't love Daughter of Smoke and Bone as much as I hoped I would, I really, really enjoyed Days of Blood and Starlight!
I actually put off reading it for a while, because I just couldn't bother to pick it up. But now I'm glad I did! 

The second book picks up soon after the ending of Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
Karou teamed up with Thiago (no, you're eyes are not betraying you. It's the douche who had her killed) and became the new Resurrectionist. Yeah, she's not so happy with her situation either, but she felt like she owes her people.
Meanwhile Akiva believed she's dead and Zuzana and Mik tried to solve her riddle which contains her current location. There's a lot of angst and dispair waiting for you!
(I really suck at summaries, sorry, guys.)

I loved that the reader's horizon was extended by several POVs. In the first book we saw the whole story through Karou's or Akiva's eyes (correct me if I'm wrong) but now we get more insight. It also adds to the complexity and depth of the story.
The readers get some more insight on the angel side as well as on the chimaera side. Due to the very well chosen POV characters (a 14-year old chimaera civilian and an emperal harem guard) we start to understand that this story does not only revolve around Karou and Akiva and their love story (as it was in book #1)

Alongside with the new POVs we get some new characters! Ten, Ziri, Sveva and Jael are only a few of them. Most of them (except for Jael) are Chimaera which means we get to know more about a race we haven't really learned anything about before!

Taylors writing works so well for me! It felt really magical and she managed to portray really sad or depressing scenes with so beautiful and simple writing, it made my heart ache even more.
It just fits. Beautiful writing + endless pain and despair = awesomeness (and tears)
She creates an amazing atmosphere!
Literally all that keeps the inhabitants of Eretz alive is hope. Har har.

At least on paper Madrigal and Karou are the same person, but honestely? They are not.
We mostly get to see Karou, who for some reason hasn't a direct access to Madrigal's memories.
I would really like to see Karou having difficulties with Madrigal's opinions.

The end was brilliant worked out as it forces two enemies to unite over a common enemy. It makes one really excited for the last novel as the reader will see how this union will play out.

here Daughter of Smoke and Bone was very innocent in its emotions and actions Days of Blood and Starlight is very dark and very twisted. There's more gore and definitely more gore than before.
It goes from, well, not exactly butterflies and rainbows but you get the picture, to death and destruction.
The story really gave me goosebumps at some points.

My favourite quotes:
“A dream dirty and bruised is better than no dream at all.”

“Once upon a time, an angel and a devil held a wishbone between them.
And its snap split the world in two.”

“Nothing made you feel so useless as another person's grief.”


4.5 out of 5 stars

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