Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #1

Hi there, guys!

I checked out a lot of fellow book blogger's blogs and found a really intriguing feature!
It's called "Top Ten Tuesday" and was invented by The Broke and the Bookish.
Just as they are I'm a big fan of writing lists!

This week I'll start with

Top Ten: Favourite Side Characters

And with "side characters" I'm talking about characters who have NO POV or are NOT the primary love interest of the main character. Alright? Alright! Let's dive into it!

10) Finnick Odair from The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Want a sugar cube?"

I remember Mockingjay being one of the first books that brought me to tearswhile reading.
      I was far too young and innocent to understand how fucking cruel some authors could be.
Finnick was such a complex, wonderful character with such a twisted part, I really wish we had
      learned more about him and his Hunger Games!

9) Oberyn Martell from A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

     Ellaria: You're going to fight that?
       - Oberyn: I'm going to kill that.

Okay, this may be mostly because of the TV Show Oberyn but I just love Dorne (that's the region
    Oberyn's from) in general. They are much more open minded and tolerant than the rest of Westeros
    e.g. concerning female heirs to the throne, bastards and homosexual relationships. So he stands
    as a Pars Pro Toto (I'm totally showing off right now) for the whole Dorne.

8) Willy from Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys

    Unfortunately no particular quote comes to my mind (and I lend my copy to a friend) but that's
    fine! All you need to know:
    Willy is a badass.
    She's a Madam in 1950s New Orleans (speak she owns a brothel) and took care of Josie when her
    mother didn't. She's quite a harsh person but cares deeply for Josie. I love her.

7) Patrick from The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
    "He's a wallflower...You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand."

How do I start explaining my love for Patrick? He, together with Sam, was one of the first who  
    really wanted to ge to know Charlie and who didn't just drop him when he became a little
    problematic. That's what friends are supposed to do! He also stood up against his bullying teacher
    when no one else did - you go, Patrick! Thinking of Patrick and Charlie, I really want to reread
    this book soon! Maybe I'll get the English edition?

6) Reagan from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

    "What the fuck is 'the fandom'?”

I love her for being just the way she is and accepting all her faults. She knows she has them and
    deals with that fact. Nobody is fucking perfect. If you're ever looking for someone to curse the
    world together - she's the one.

5) Isabel Culpeper from The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater

    "Do that again and I will sell your firstborn child to the devil.

Speaking of cursing the world together, Isabel would be a pretty good choice, too.
    She's in a bad mood 98% of the time and says what she's thinking.
    It will offend 100% of the present party? Good.
    It will make her discussion partner cry? Even better.


4) Calla from The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

    She's my favourite from all the psychics in 300 Fox Way. She's outspoken, confident and
    often harsh (I really seem to have a thing for harsh characters and problematic faves).
    The Raven Boys Wikia describes her as "she is fab" and that's actually all there is to say.

Regulus Black from The Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling
I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.“
    For a few weeks now I've been totally obsessed with Regulus Black. His character is, in my
    opinion, one of the most underrated ones in the whole Harry Potter series.
    And how could they not include his part in the movies? The fans who have only seen the films
    will never know that he realized what a psycho Voldemort was and that he wanted to kill him.
    He couldn't just leave the death eathers, so he chose death to protect his family - even Sirius -
    And all they movie-fans will ever know is that he made some very, very bad decisions when he
    was 16! And I'm not denying that he made bad decisions, I just want to point out that he made the
    right ones in the end.

2) Neville Longbottom from The Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling
"I'll join you when hell freezes over! Dumbledore's Army!"
Neville, oh my dear Neville. I loved you right from the beginning because I knew I always was and
    will be the same dork as you are. I really connected best with him. Everybody liked the hero or
    the most fun character but Neville was always my guy.
    And suddenly he became a BAMF. And destroyed a fucking horcrux.
    I will always wonder how different the Magical World would be if Neville had been the Chosen
    One instead of Harry! Or maybe it would be all the same?
    I'd say he's the one who really showed us that everybody has the stuff that heroes are made of.
    Even those who are afraid of a lot.

1) Hermione Granger from The Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling
"Ron, you are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet."
    “Oh, honestly, don’t you two read?"

I just now realize that my Top 3 on this list are all from Harry Potter. Whoops. Totally not my
    favourite book series.
    Do I really have to explain why she's on top of my list? She loves reading and learning new stuff  - 
    just like I do. She has a hard time not following rules and is - in the first books at least - a
    goody-goody. I can see myself in that. And then there's so much one can still learn from her!
    She's one of the biggest role models in YA literature, I'd say. She's a badass witch and the brightest
    witch of her age!
    And I totally support the "Hermione is a POC"-idea!

Tell me about your favourite side characters in the comments!
I'm dying to know!

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