Saturday, January 31, 2015

Belated Fanart Friday!

Sorry, guys!
While writing the Lola review and the Haul/Wrap Up post I completely forgot about Fanart Friday!
But now I'm here and I have a lot of art to show you!

All of the books I've reviewed this week:
- Lola And The Boy Next Door
- The Selection
- World After
- The Raven Boys
Let's go with that order!

Lola's so pretty! These were drawn by candy8496!
Lola and the Boy Next Door by candy8496
Lola Nolan by candy8496

Lola and Cricket by oxyderces!
Lola and Cricket by oxyderces

Calliope is perfect! Looking so grumpy! Done by leabharlann
Lola and the Boy Next Door - The Neighborhood by leabharlann

But the one I love most is this one: It was drawn by The Art of Young Adult!
Check out her blog - it's amazing!

Next on the list is The Selection!
I have found only a few pictures:
I don't know who drew this but if you do, tell me in the comments!
Maxon and America

I don't know who drew this either but it's amazing!

America by samiradamaceno!


Sexy Raffe! Both were drawn by MrsKanda!

This one here was done by ashlahr

This one's perfect! Raffe omg
Snowy by chaoswalks
Thank you chaoswalks!

Next one was done by bellelune16!

And even though the next two drawings aren't exactly from World After (they are from Angelfall), they're just so pretty!
Like, omg, why haven't I found you sooner?
nikaworks's drawings are amazing!

Another awesome drawing by chaoswalks:
She draws my favourite Angelfall fanart for sure!

And last but not least: The Raven Boys!
I found so many amazing drawings! Buckle your seatbelt, guys!

Gansey, Ronan and Chainsaw done by Arivina! Ronan looks great!

Then I have a lot of drawings by theshardofmyheart!
Gansey's so pretty!
Look at this!

Noah and Blue!
Alone at Monmouth by theshardsofmyheart


Gansey again!
The weight of your family s legacy by theshardsofmyheart

The next drawing was done by rememberthe-urge!
Gansey, no. by rememberthe-urge

Two very different looking Ronans!
The first one was done by blalua!

The second one was drawn by TeaLys!
He looks so sad, I want to cuddle him!
Ronan by TeaLys

If you've found more Fanart or drew some yourself, send me a link and I'll post them too!

See you soon with another review (I have loads to write)!
Stay funky!

Friday, January 30, 2015

January Book Haul and Wrap Up!

So, here I am, guys!

Let's start off with my Haul.
I purchased 13 books this month. So much for 'I won't buy any books this month'.
But I've read as many books as I bought, so I don't feel bad! Haha!
And 4 of these books I bought at a Second-Hand shop and only paid 3,80 Euros for it.
So I saved some money here.

Here's my pile:

 Aaand some close-ups.
From top to bottom, I have:
- The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson
  (which I'm currently reading)
- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
  (It was only 30 cents!)
- A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
  (Only 50 cents!)
- Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
  (which I'm reading for our school's book club)
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  (I got this one for 1 Euro! So cheap!)

- Fairest by Marissa Meyer
- Shadow Kiss, Frostbite and Vampire Academy
  all by Richelle Mead
-World After by Susan Ee
- Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by
  JK Rowling (only 1,50 Euro! That hunk of a
  book! And it doesn't even have a scratch)
- City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

I've already read 5 books from this pile (not counting Harry Potter 5(which I've read multiple times) and the two books I'm already half way through) but let's start the other way round.
Here are all of the books I've read this month and are not in the pictures above:

-The Handmaiden's Tale by Margret Atwood
 3 out of 5 stars
 This was our book club's pick for the month of January. It was an interesting and 
 shocking read but nothing I would have picked up by myself! Glad I read it, though!

- Slumdog Millionaire: The Shooting Script
  I had to read this one for school and due not not being the actual book (Q & A) I won't rate
  this one.
  But I did enjoy the movie!,204,203,200_.jpg

- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
 2 out of 5 stars
 Review and everything will follow soon!

- Purpurmond by Heike Eva Schmidt
 3 out of 5 stars
 Check out my review here!
- Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
  4 out of 5 stars!
  Review is here!

- Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
 5 out of 5 stars!
 Even though it's in the upper Haul picture and I said I would start with the books I've already owned,
 it's a bit more difficult with this particular one. I got Vampire Academy for Christmas but because
 it's cheaper to buy the box set than to buy every book separated, I have it twice now.
 Review is here!

Next one is:
- The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
  4 out of 5 stars and you can find my review here!

Two more books which I haven't bought this month or purchased myself!
- Alienated by Melissa Landers
  somewhere between 3.5 and 4 out of 5 stars!
  Check out my review: Alienated

- and These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
  4 - 4.5 out of 5 stars!
  You can find my review here!

Moving on to the books I've purchased myself and were included in the Haul waay up there!
I read:

- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

  3 out of 5 stars
  Did you know that there's an syndrome called Alice in Wonderland Syndrome?
  Just found the article while searching for pictures!

- World After by Susan Ee
  5 out of 5 stars! Loved, loved, loved it!
  I've already uploaded a review on it. Check it out here!

- Fairest by Marissa Meyer
   4 out of 5 stars
   It just came today in the mail and I've already finished it! A really intersting read! Review will be
   up soon!

- City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
  3.5 out of 5 stars!
  This one was a reread for me (if you count listening to the audiobook as reading) and I have to say
  I enjoyed this way more than the first time round!
  Review to come!

Here's a picutre of the whole Wrap Up! It's HUGE!

What was your favourite book of the month? Tell me in the comments!
It's hard for me to decide but I would go with either World After or Vampire Academy!
Did you have a least favourite book, too?
Here I would choose Slumdog Millionaire: The Shooting Script
Reading a movie is terrible and so confusing!

See you soon, guys, I have still a lot of reviews to post!
Stay funky!

UPDATE January 31st
Another book arrived in the mail today!
I got
- A Great And Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
I can't wait to read it! The summary on the spine reminds me of Mean Girls!

But to accomodate my number of bought and read books:
I've finished another one today!

- The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson
 5 out of 5 stars
 I loved, loved, loved this one!

It's an amazing books, you guys have to read it!

Lola And The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Hi there, guys!
I hope you've had a nice week and can relax during the weekend!
Let's dive right into it!

“And if I'm the stars, Cricket Bell is entire galaxies.”

Title: Lola And The Boy Next Door
Series: Anna And The French Kiss #2
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Release Date: September 29th 2011
Publisher: Dutton Books
ISBN: 0525423281
Number of Pages: 384
Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult
What's special? Teenage love story in San Francisco!


Lola Nolan loves costumes and her life could not be better.
She has two understanding fathers, a great best friends and a rocker boyfriend.
But one day the Bell family moves back to the house next door and all of the memories connecting Lola and the twins Calliope and Cricket are back again too.
And even though Cricket broke Lola's heart two years before, she starts falling for him again – did she ever stop?

My Opinion

Stephanie Perkins, you brilliant genius.
You know damn well how to write cute boys. First Étienne, now Cricket. And let's not forget North from 'My True Love Gave To Me! I wish they were real.
Hello? Yes, Mr. Crowley? I'd like to summon three fictional boys.

Okay, but let's start fromt the beginning.
It took me some time to get used to Lola and her outgoing nature but later in the book I started to like her a lot better.
I don't love her as much as I love Anna,tho. I just can't connect with her as much as I can with Anna. And even though I disagreed with her actions at some point, I could empathize with her.

But lucky me, we get a lot of scenes with Anna – and Étienne!
Lola And The Boy Next Door takes place one year after the events from the first book, which means Anna and Étienne are in college in the US now.
It was nice to see them form a friendship with Lola and Cricket and I loved how they helped them to get together.
Also, they refer to some past events here and there which made me want to reread Anna And The French Kiss so badly!
I didn't do it because I have a bunch of other books sitting on my shelf and waiting to be read – but more about that in my January Book Haul or February TBR (which will be up soon).

Lola loves to sew and it's really cool how she describes her proceedings!
I tried to sew some skirts for myself a few months ago and well, let's just say: I stopped.
It's really difficult and I don't have the patience for it, so I admire Lola for her endurance!

I loved Cricket! Maybe even more than Étienne.
Where Étienne is charming and outgoing, Cricket is awkward and adorable.
When he's nervous he starts talking a lot and
fast and can't stop.
I'm a sucker for that.

And, he's so respectful and thoughtful!
There's a scene in which Lola and Cricket are picknicking in a park (she's a vegetarian) and he
asks her if she's okay with him eating a fish sandwich in front of her!
I squealed so hard.
I'm a vegetarian myself and all I ever got were mocking comments from my classmates.
Thank you, Cricket, for giving me one more reason to love you.

Perkins knows well how to write love – I think I've already mentioned that in my review on Anna And The French Kiss but I have to say it again.
She describes the feelings like they are in reality.
Ever accidently touched the hand of your crush and had goosebumps all over? Or were afraid that your crush would hear your quick breathing? Ever said something stupid because your mind was too distracted with stopping you from drooling?
It's all in this book.
But she not only writes love brilliantly, she's a master at writing funny scenes!

Here's a little sneak peak:

“Anna prods St. Clair's shoulder. "Come on. Weren't you gonna show me that thing?"
"What thing?"
She stares at him. He stares back. She cocks her head toward Cricket and me.
"Ah, yes." St. Clair stands. "That thing."
They rush out. The door shuts, and St. Clair shouts, "Lola, Cricket wants to show you his thing, too-oo!”

Cricket walks several steps behind me. It's a careful distance. I wonder if he's looking at my butt.
WHY DID I JUST THINK THAT? Now my butt feels COLOSSAL. Maybe he's looking at my legs. Is that better? Or worse? Do I want him looking at me? I hold on to the bottom of my dress as I climb into the backseat and crawl to the other side. I'm sure he's looking at my butt. He has to be. It's huge, and it's right there, and it's huge.
No. I'm acting crazy.
I glance over, and he smiles at me as he buckles his seat belt.
My cheeks grow warm.

Stephanie Perkins became one of my favourite authors because she just summons every feeling I ever had so well! She puts into words what I was never able to describe!

Here are some rather sad quotes:
When you're asleep, no one asks you to do anything. No one expects anything of you. And you don't have to face any of your troubles.”

“I'm empty. I'm drained. And I can't move. Not that I'd want to. Because that's the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don't want to let it go. It becomes a comfort.”
Just as in AatFk in Lola there's a significant other that the love interest refuses to break up with.
Except it's Lola this time. Even though I know she had her reasons to stay with him and there wouldn't be as much plot as there is, it was quite frustrating.
But it was part of Lola's journey after all, and I mean come on, we all knew right from the beginning how this book would end.
And I'm happy about that.


4 out of 5 stars

Later I'll post my January Book Haul and Read Pile, so see you then!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Want-to-read-Wednesday #1

Hi there, guys!
I just had an amazing idea!

Why don't start a Want-to-read-Wednesday!
It works like that:
On my goodreads-profile I have listed exactly 262 books I want to read.
Every Wednesday I'm going to pick one (preferably no sequels because I would only spoil you) from that list and talk about it.

Here's my first pick!

Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan.
It's the first book in the The Lynburn Legacy and was released in 2012. 10866624
Such a pretty cover!

This book is about Kami Glass. Since she was born she could talk to a boy in hear head. And, just as little children are, she talked a lot about him to others. That marked her as 'the weird one' in her town Sorry-in-the-Vale.
Now - being a teenager - she's falling for him. But how could you love someone who only exists in your head?
Then the Lynburns return.
On goodreads they are described as 'The mysterious twin sisters who abandoned their ancestral home a generation ago' and they are back with their two sons, Jared and Ash.
And one of these two boys is no one else than Kami's 'imaginary' voice in her head. But can she still love him now that he's a real person?
And something evil's going on in the woods and Kami is determined to find out what.

Doesn't this sound amazing?
I'm really curious about how this whole voice-in-head-things works. Why does Kami hear his voice? And was she in his head his whole life? And what does that all have to do with the ongoings in the forest?

I've read a lot of really good reviews about it.
Regan from Peruse Project, Kat Kennedy, Jodi Meadows and Gillian all gave 'Unspoken' 5 out of 5 stars!

This is one of the next books I'm going to purchase, so stay tuned for a review!

Stay funky,

'The Selection' by Kiera Cass

Hi there, guys!
What's up?
I hope you had a nice week so far!
Today, I'm back with a new review (who would have guessed?) - enjoy!

Basics The Selection
Series: The Selection series
Release Date: April 24th 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen
ISBN: 0062059939
Number of Pages: 336
Genre: dystopian, young adult
What's special? 35 girls are fighting for a prince's heart.
                         Who will win?


After a lot of terrible events the state of Illéa was formed.
Illéa's princesses are married off to different royal families abroad but if there's a crown prince 'The Selection' will take place.
35 girls from all castes(if I'm correct) are chosen to live in the palace and fight for Prince Maxon's heart – while all people can watch them on screen.
Every girl would kill for a opportunity to improve their social status – except America Singer.
She loves her life as a Five with her family, her music and her boyfriend Aspen – a Six.
Also, the palace is attacked by rebels quite often.
America decides she has to participate anyway in order to support her family. She just hopes that if she's mean to the Prince, he will sent her home as soon as possible.

But then she meets Maxon and starts falling for him. Will she be able to forget the boy who broke her heart and be with her Prince or does Aspen showing up make her turn away from her newfound lover?

My Opinion

Well, well, the agony of choice.
While reading this book, I enjoyed it quite a lot. Why did I rate it 3 stars then, you ask?
I've read this book about two months ago (I know this review is laaate) and between then and now I've read a whole bunch of other amazing books which made me question my 4 star rating, which I gave 'The Selection' before.
The enthusiasm about this book decreased considerably. Still, I will read The Elite because I got it for Christmas and I don't want my parents to spend money for nothing.
Another reason why I reduced the rating was that the author was really mean onTwitter to the Goodreader Wendy.

I actually wanted to read this since it came out.
The cover is so appealing and the summary sounded quite good, too.
I don't know why I haven't picked it up until November last year.

What I disliked most about this book was the main character.
America is just such a Mary Sue. All the girls around her just took part in the Selection so they would be in a better caste, have more money or have beautiful Maxon as a husband but America,
America's only there for the food. She doesn't care about his status at all. She says what she thinks and is – ugh, so much better. She's more grown-up, funnier, prettier, not so clingy, kinder, calmer in face of rebels, still passionate and, oh, she speaks three languages and plays a bunch of instruments. I thought she was poor?
She doesn't really have any flaws – except maybe deciding.
On one hand there's Maxon who cares about her opinion and tries to make her happy with privilegs or gifts.
On the other hand we have Aspen. He talks her into stuff she doesn't want to do and thinks she can't decide for herself what's best for her.
Such a hard choice.
And as far as I know it really is – for America. I'm not a big fan of love triangles. In the end everybody gets hurt.
I like books where it's just: I love you. You love me. Let's kiss.

But I have to admit there's one sentence by America I really loved:
“No, I’m not choosing him or you. I’m choosing me.”

There were only two scenes, I think, where I really thought 'You go, girl'. One was the upper one, the other one is this one:

Good. Some help. Girls, you will immediately get to the water stores in the back and begin serving refreshments to the royal family and the ladies. Get going, now.' Silvia commanded.
'No.' I turned to Anne and gave her my first real order. 'Anne, please take some refreshments to the king, queen, and prince and then come join me.' I faced Silvia. 'The rest can fend for themselves. They chose to leave their maids alone, they can get their own damn water. Mine will be sitting with me. Come, ladies.'

I'm quite curious about these attackers, tho. Why do they attack that often? Where are the effing guards of the palace? Why don't they do at least a halfway decent job?
Then there's Marlee and – at least I think so – it's quite obvious why she acts so strange.
Why doesn't America coun't two and two together?

As for the reality part of the book, there's not a lot in there. Like, we have an interview and maybe two scenes with cameras but that's it. I expected a lot more pressure and staged scenes!


3 out of 5 stars

That's it for today!
What did you think of The Selection?
Tell me in the comments!

See you soon,