Friday, January 30, 2015

Lola And The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Hi there, guys!
I hope you've had a nice week and can relax during the weekend!
Let's dive right into it!

“And if I'm the stars, Cricket Bell is entire galaxies.”

Title: Lola And The Boy Next Door
Series: Anna And The French Kiss #2
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Release Date: September 29th 2011
Publisher: Dutton Books
ISBN: 0525423281
Number of Pages: 384
Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult
What's special? Teenage love story in San Francisco!


Lola Nolan loves costumes and her life could not be better.
She has two understanding fathers, a great best friends and a rocker boyfriend.
But one day the Bell family moves back to the house next door and all of the memories connecting Lola and the twins Calliope and Cricket are back again too.
And even though Cricket broke Lola's heart two years before, she starts falling for him again – did she ever stop?

My Opinion

Stephanie Perkins, you brilliant genius.
You know damn well how to write cute boys. First Étienne, now Cricket. And let's not forget North from 'My True Love Gave To Me! I wish they were real.
Hello? Yes, Mr. Crowley? I'd like to summon three fictional boys.

Okay, but let's start fromt the beginning.
It took me some time to get used to Lola and her outgoing nature but later in the book I started to like her a lot better.
I don't love her as much as I love Anna,tho. I just can't connect with her as much as I can with Anna. And even though I disagreed with her actions at some point, I could empathize with her.

But lucky me, we get a lot of scenes with Anna – and Étienne!
Lola And The Boy Next Door takes place one year after the events from the first book, which means Anna and Étienne are in college in the US now.
It was nice to see them form a friendship with Lola and Cricket and I loved how they helped them to get together.
Also, they refer to some past events here and there which made me want to reread Anna And The French Kiss so badly!
I didn't do it because I have a bunch of other books sitting on my shelf and waiting to be read – but more about that in my January Book Haul or February TBR (which will be up soon).

Lola loves to sew and it's really cool how she describes her proceedings!
I tried to sew some skirts for myself a few months ago and well, let's just say: I stopped.
It's really difficult and I don't have the patience for it, so I admire Lola for her endurance!

I loved Cricket! Maybe even more than Étienne.
Where Étienne is charming and outgoing, Cricket is awkward and adorable.
When he's nervous he starts talking a lot and
fast and can't stop.
I'm a sucker for that.

And, he's so respectful and thoughtful!
There's a scene in which Lola and Cricket are picknicking in a park (she's a vegetarian) and he
asks her if she's okay with him eating a fish sandwich in front of her!
I squealed so hard.
I'm a vegetarian myself and all I ever got were mocking comments from my classmates.
Thank you, Cricket, for giving me one more reason to love you.

Perkins knows well how to write love – I think I've already mentioned that in my review on Anna And The French Kiss but I have to say it again.
She describes the feelings like they are in reality.
Ever accidently touched the hand of your crush and had goosebumps all over? Or were afraid that your crush would hear your quick breathing? Ever said something stupid because your mind was too distracted with stopping you from drooling?
It's all in this book.
But she not only writes love brilliantly, she's a master at writing funny scenes!

Here's a little sneak peak:

“Anna prods St. Clair's shoulder. "Come on. Weren't you gonna show me that thing?"
"What thing?"
She stares at him. He stares back. She cocks her head toward Cricket and me.
"Ah, yes." St. Clair stands. "That thing."
They rush out. The door shuts, and St. Clair shouts, "Lola, Cricket wants to show you his thing, too-oo!”

Cricket walks several steps behind me. It's a careful distance. I wonder if he's looking at my butt.
WHY DID I JUST THINK THAT? Now my butt feels COLOSSAL. Maybe he's looking at my legs. Is that better? Or worse? Do I want him looking at me? I hold on to the bottom of my dress as I climb into the backseat and crawl to the other side. I'm sure he's looking at my butt. He has to be. It's huge, and it's right there, and it's huge.
No. I'm acting crazy.
I glance over, and he smiles at me as he buckles his seat belt.
My cheeks grow warm.

Stephanie Perkins became one of my favourite authors because she just summons every feeling I ever had so well! She puts into words what I was never able to describe!

Here are some rather sad quotes:
When you're asleep, no one asks you to do anything. No one expects anything of you. And you don't have to face any of your troubles.”

“I'm empty. I'm drained. And I can't move. Not that I'd want to. Because that's the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don't want to let it go. It becomes a comfort.”
Just as in AatFk in Lola there's a significant other that the love interest refuses to break up with.
Except it's Lola this time. Even though I know she had her reasons to stay with him and there wouldn't be as much plot as there is, it was quite frustrating.
But it was part of Lola's journey after all, and I mean come on, we all knew right from the beginning how this book would end.
And I'm happy about that.


4 out of 5 stars

Later I'll post my January Book Haul and Read Pile, so see you then!

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