Friday, January 9, 2015

Fanart Friday 'Angelfall'

Hey, guys! Are you all right?
It's time for Fanart Friday again!
I really anticipated this one in particular because 'Angelfall' is
one of my favourite books and I can't wait to see what other readers
pictured Raffe and Penryn like!
So, let's dive right into it!

Firstly, I found two drawings done by soniki360

*Angelfall Spoilers* You should know by soniki360Angelfall: Penryn and Raffe by soniki360 

And oh God, thank you Dominique Wesson for this absolutely astonishing piece of art! 
Let The Sparks Fly by DominiqueWesson

I like this one, too! They both look really cute, thank you compoundbreadd!

I spent ages on her deviantart-blog and I can't wait to show you her drawings of
Throne of Glass!

I likey it! Done by chaoswalks
Penryn And Angel by chaoswalks

Most beautiful drawing of Penryn I've seen! Thank you LeSeera
And even Pooky Bear is there!

Penryn by LeSeera so creepy
Thanks to Symplee-D
Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days) Sketches by Symplee-D
The very beginning....
Thank you leabharlann
Angelfall - Wrath of God by leabharlann

This creepy pic was done by Dominique Wesson, I already posted the link to her blog farther above.

Sadly, I have no idea who drew these other two pictures. If you know it, tell me in the comments!
They look lovely!

And the final and best one:
I swear 87% of the book is them being sarcastic at each other.
Penryn just looks exactly like I pictured her!
It was drawn by chaoswalk 
adly, I only found two different cover options for Angelfall!

For one, the Russian cover:
Russion Angelfall Cover

and the Chinese:
Chinese cover Angelfall

But instead I thought I would show you who I had pictured as
Penryn, Raffe or Paige!

The amazing Ellen Page!

Francisco Lachowski!
Isn't he pretty?

Mackenzie Foy! Acutally, I always thought of exactly this picture (points down) because on the other ones she just so extremely styled and painted.

How do you picture them?
Tell me in the comments!

Have a nice evening and see you tomorrow with a new review!
I'm still unsure about which book I'll write. Either it will be
"Alienated" or "The Darkest Minds".
Be surprised!


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