Saturday, January 17, 2015

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Hello, humans.
I come in peace to you.
I mean no harm.

Today, I'm back with two reviews - both set in outer space!
First we have These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner!
Later I'll post a review on Alienated by Melissa Landers.

Let's dive right into it!

                                   These Broken Stars

Basics Starbound (book #1)
Author: Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Release Date: December 10th 2013
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
ISBN: 1423171020
Number of Pages: 374
Genre: Sci-Fi, Young Adult
What's special? Poor boy and rich girl have to survive after crash-landing on a planet!


Lilac LaRoux is the richest girl in the universe.
Tarver Merendsen is an 18-year-old war hero coming from nothing.
They both are aboard the
Icarus - the largest and most luxurious space ship in history – built by Lilac's father. But then everything goes terribly wrong. The ship is pulled out of hyperspace and about to crash on a planet. Only the two of them survive, comletely alone now in an uninhabited area.
But soon they notice: They may be not alone after all.

My Opinion

Dun. Dun. Duuuun.
Shit goes down. Literally.
But first things first: The Beginning:
To be honest, I had some problems with the first chapters. I did enjoy them, I just couldn't really dive into the whole story. I think I expected more than the characters could give me at that point of the story.
The start of the book remembered me quite of Titanic.
Poor guy. Rich girl. Some flirting. Cannot be together. Aaand the ship goes down.

But then – almost suddenly – I was caught. I couldn't put the book down, needed to know what would happen to them. The whispers creeped me out and their relationship started to develop.
Even though they flirted with each other aboard the
Icarus they almost hated each other due to a few misunderstandings. We get a lot of insight because this book is told in a dual point of view - with distinguishable voices!
We get to know about Lilac AND Tarver's struggle to not only survive but also to get along.
They do really fight a lot in the first chapters. Tarver despises everything Lilac LaRoux stands for. Wealthy. Arrogant. Spoiled. Used to getting what she wants.
Tarver is as different from Lilac as you can get. He's nothing like the people Lilac knows.

Then slowly...they start to care. They become friends. And more...?

What I also adore is Spooner and Kaufman's talent with words. Here are some examples!And there it is, against all hope, like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. The smallest hint of a smile.”
For a moment the image before us is frozen: our world, our lives, reduced to a handful broken stars half lost in uncharted space. Then it's gone, the view swallowed by the hyperspace winds streaming past, blue-green auroras wiping the after-images away.
Until all that's left is us”

Where will I sit?” Sit? Why, on this comfortable chaise longue I’ve carried here for you in my pocket, Your Highness, so glad you asked. I clamp my mouth shut, struggling not to say it aloud.”
I loved these pre-chapter pages from the future! Tarver's sass was so brilliant!
Your key concerns at that stage?”
“Well, Miss LaRoux had a party she didn’t want to miss, and I—”
“Major, you don’t seem to understand the seriousness of your situation.”
“Sure I do. What the hell do you think our key concerns were?”
And if all this hasn't convinced you to buy the book, then just look at the cover again.
Imagine it sitting on your bookshelf and looking pretty. Imagine it reflecting the sunlight which makes the stars shine even more. And now don't you dare to tell me you still don't want to buy this book!

**Fangirl Alarm**
A TV-Show will be produced soon! That's just exactly what a tumblr-Fangirl wants!
I need the names of the actors' like right now!


4 - 4.5 out of 5 stars

Number Two will be up soon!
See you, guys!

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