Saturday, January 3, 2015

'Angelfall' by Susan Ee

Hey, guys! I'm back!
And this post is not - I repeat not - late! Woho!


Title: Angelfall
Series: Penryn and the End of Days #1
Author: Susan Ee
Release Date: May 23rd 2013
Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton
ISBN-13: 9781444778519
Number of pages: 326
Genre: Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, Fantasy
What's special? ANGELS



Six weeks ago they landed on earth. Angels. But not the fat baby kind.
These angels are real bastards. Nowhere is safe now. They destroyed the major cities after extremists had shot the messenger angel Gabriel.
But humans don't only fear the angels. There are street gangs and, at night, it is said that there are monsters.
17-year old Penryn tries to keep her family together. Her family consists of her schizophrenic mother and her little sister Paige.
They have to abandon their home to find shelter somewhere else and on their run they witness a group of angels cutting a fellow angel's wings. When Paige tries to escape, they capture her.
Desperately, to get her sister back, Penryn helps the dying enemy and saves his life.
They make a pact. Raffe takes her to the aerie to find her sister and he could get his wings back.


My Opinion

Oh. My. God.
I love this book! It's truly not only one of my favourites of 2014 but one of my all time favourites for sure!

The plot is thightly woven, there's no chance of boredom in here! Every page is action-packed and I love it.

Then we have the characters. I love everybody!
Penryn – she's one of my favourite heroines now! Strong, kick-ass, witty and independent!
But the thing I like the most about her is that she is just a normal teenager after all.
Shit went down not even two months ago, it's not like she grew up in this situation.
She had normal dreams, best friends, a crush probably, she wanted to go to prom!

And there's Raffe. Holy crap, he's gorgeous. He's swoon-worthy.
Do I have to say more? I love that the romance, even the friendship, starts slowly. So no Insta-Love here!
It begins with hate, then there's amusement, then they start caring, feeling a little bit more, and in the end there's love! That's the way you do it! The love wasn't – like in most of the ya fantasy novels (sadly) – in the foreground. Penryn had her priorities straight – thank God.
There's a quote I really liked, I can't really remember the exact words but it went kind of like this:
'I don't want to save the world, I only want to save my sister'.
I don't know why but this just stuck with me. So many heroines/heroes have to save the world but never dared to say this out loud. Penryn did – or well she thought it at least.
Also, I just loved their conversations, these back and forths – so witty, so funny, yet serious if needed.
Here are some quotes!
My friends call me Wrath,” says Raffe. “My enemies call me Please Have Mercy. What’s your name, soldier boy?” “I never kid about my warrior demigod status."
"Oh. My. God." I lower my voice, having forgotten to whisper. "You are nothing but a bird with an attitude. Okay, so you have a few muscles, I’ll grant you that. But you know, a bird is nothing but a barely evolved lizard. That’s what you are.”

“Here, I’ll show you how to use it. Let me see your foot.”
“That’s a pretty intimate demand in the angel world. It usually takes dinner, some wine, and sparkling conversation for me to give up my feet.”

Oh, please. Your giant head is getting too big for this forest. Pretty soon, you're going to get stuck trying to walk between two tress. And then, I'll have to rescue you." I give him a weary look. "Again.”

We don't get much from Paige – she is captured right in the beginning after all – but want Penryn tells us, is enough. And in the end I almost cried. Well, cut the almost.

Penryn's mom: Holy crap, she is creepy! She is worse than the scene in the woods!
But thanks to Susan Ee's writing I coulp picture her perfectly. She was really well written, I always felt a cold shiver when she appeared.

Really, guys: If you want to read a book about a badass heroine who is a normal teenager after all and does not hide behind her boyfriend, read Angelfall!


I give it 5 out of 5 stars and a permanent place on my favourites-shelf!

If you've read it, tell me in the comments!
I would be so happy if I could share my fangirl feels with someone!
If you haven't:

See you next week, guys!

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