Friday, January 23, 2015

'Alienated' and 'These Broken Stars' Fanart Friday

Hey there, guys!
How was your week?
I really do hope it was better than mine! More about that tomorrow and in my soon-to-be-posted Book Haul #January2015! =)

I just want to tell you that I enjoy writing these posts so much, they make me happy when nothing else can. So thank you for letting me share my thoughts and
with you!
I know I still have to improve my reviews and posts in general a lot but I will, I just need some time
figuring everything out.
But enough said now!
'Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich nun auch Taten sehen!' as Goethe would phrase it.

Let's start with Alienated!
To be honest, I had a really hard time finding Fanart. Not because there is none - I found a few -  but I just finished World After (second book in the Penryn and the End of Days trilogy) and I always found myself sooner or later drooling over some Raffe fanart.
No matter what will come, he and Christian Ozera will stay my number ones. I could spend ages fangirling over these two.
I wandered off the topic again.

The first four drawings were created by Anguiano Art
A surprise birthday present from the ever-talented Anguiano Art. I love his detailing, especially the intergalactic cake with Earth and L'eihr represented!

They all look lovely!

And look what I found here:
This reminds me of Aelyx!
This reminds me of Aelyx!

Sadly, that's all I found.
Do you know any other Fanart? Or maybe you've drawn some yourself? Tell me, and I will post it for sure!

These Broken Stars
I found nothing. Not a single drawing. 
I don't now why. Maybe I were too stupid to search correctly but I found nothing.

Instead I found an extremly beautiful Scarlet/Wolf Fanart:
Scarlet and Wolf - LOVING the color of her hair here.  The Thoughtful Novelist: Fanart
Thank you, The Thoughtful Novelist!

I'm sorry, guys. This was a pretty lame Fanart Friday.
Maybe I will 'create' some other theme-days soon! Do you have any suggestions?

See you on Sunday(I'm not at home tomorrow)with a few reviews!
Stay funky, guys!

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